STUDENT PRESENTATIONS Meagan Coke Myers Turner Braxton Holden
CONCURRENT INFORMATION EDMOND NORTH HIGH SCHOOL How to qualify Step By Step process requirements from the counseling office Advanced Placement v. Concurrent Enrollment Concurrent Enrollment benefits On-Campus v. North Campus enrollment Schedules Responsibility
Do I Qualify For Concurrent Enrollment? It is recommended to be ahead on credits. i.e. you have taken H.S. credits in middle school or 7 hour schedules. A credit requirements sheet has been provided. Not all graduation requirements must be met to participate but the fewer requirements left, the easier the access to CE. When you drop off the Concurrent Enrollment Approval Form, your counselor will review your transcript. If there is a concern, you will be notified.
Step by Step Process Apply online at concurrent college of choice Request a physical transcript - Turquoise forms are available on the front counter of the counseling office. Bring in a Concurrent Approval Form (found online ) Your counselor will review your transcript before signing off on this form. You will be responsible for picking the form up after allowing 48 hours. When the window opens, you must choose your class. Return your concurrent schedule and a signed ENHS agreement form to your counselor If you change your schedule at any point YOU MUST NOTIFY YOUR COUNSELOR!
Edmond North High School Concurrent Enrollment Agreement By signing this agreement I take full responsibility for having knowledge of and complying with the following terms regarding Dual Enrollment for College Courses. Concurrent courses are dual credit courses. These are courses in which the grade earned must be entered on the high school as well as the college transcripts and become a permanent part of these documents. Concurrent courses are transcripted as unweighted courses. Concurrent courses count towards high school eligibility requirements. The student assumes responsibility for earning the required units for high school graduation. Failure to earn credit in any concurrent course taken to meet high school graduation requirements may result in summer school and/or failure to earn a high school diploma. Students may enroll in a combined number of high school and college courses per semester, not to exceed a full time college workload of 19 credit hours. Each high school course is equivalent to 3 credit hours. Students who choose to withdraw from a concurrent course must immediately contact their high school academic counselor so they may be enrolled in a full schedule. Failure to notify your high school counselor may result in disciplinary action. By law all students are required to be enrolled in a full-time high school schedule (i.e. 6 consecutive hours). Any high school course added after the first three weeks of any semester will result in a No Credit for that class. A No Credit will be earned only if a student maintains a passing grade in that class. If a student earns a failing grade in the course it will be recorded as an “F” on their high school transcript. Students who receive a failing grade or withdraw from a concurrent course must have principal approval to enroll in subsequent concurrent courses. Students must choose their concurrent courses so they do NOT conflict with the Edmond North High School course schedule. Students will either be enrolled in AM concurrent or PM concurrent; split schedules will not be accommodated. Students taking concurrent courses that require two semesters to receive dual credit must complete both semesters concurrently. (i.e. English IV must be completed with Comp 1 and Comp II or a combination of Comp II and a sophomore level English course) Students taking concurrent government to fulfill EPS government requirements must take U.S. Government and one additional Political Science course above the level of U.S. Government as well as complete the online Financial Literacy curriculum and pass their Financial Literacy Passport exam available at the Edmond Public School Administrative Center. Completion of this curriculum and exam must be done prior to the students’ 8th semester. Students concurrently enrolled may continue concurrent enrollment in subsequent semesters if she/he achieves a college cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above on a 4.0 scale. ______________________________________ ________ ________________________ Student Date ______________________________________________ ________________________ Parent/Guardian Date This form must be signed by both student and parent/guardian and returned to your high school academic counselor before your schedule will be adjusted to reflect concurrent enrollment.
Advanced Placement v. Concurrent Enrollment Do your research! Many colleges and universities consider AP and CE to be similar in ability and work ethic but many do not! After speaking with representatives from the Ivy League Universities, they weight AP more strongly than CE. It is important to know if your college and program accepts the concurrent credit that you are taking. You must do the research for this! Every college and college program has different criteria for specific credits. Example – You may go to X University. X University may accept concurrent Calculus but you are majoring in Engineering and the school of Engineering does not accept your concurrent Calculus
Concurrent Enrollment Benefits
On-Campus v. North Campus Concurrent Courses The courses offered at Edmond North are NO DIFFERENT from the courses offered on UCO campus. Same Professors Same Credits Same Schedule Fewer Fees!
What will my schedule look like? Concurrent Courses must be taken at the beginning OR end of the school day and it must accommodate your ENHS schedule. Example: If you play a sport, you must enroll in AM Concurrent; if you participate in Band, you must enroll in PM Concurrent In addition to your Concurrent Course you are allowed one class period of travel time + Flex (if desired): 2 CE + Flex = 3 ENHS courses 1 CE + Flex = 4 ENHS courses 2 CE and no Flex = 4 ENHS courses 1 CE and no Flex= 5 ENHS courses
Example 1 Flex + 1 Concurrent Course
Example 2 No Flex + 1 Concurrent Course
Example 3 Flex + 2 Concurrent Courses
FOOTBALL PLAYERS Please email your counselor if you are interested in concurrent next year and we can discuss options for your schedule.
FRANCIS TUTTLE STUDENTS Future and current Francis Tuttle Students interested in concurrent enrollment should see Ms. Hanson
Responsibility Choosing to be a concurrent student means that you choose to be ½ Adult + ½ High School Student We (counselors, teachers, school administrators and parents) cannot advocate for you at the collegiate level. You must take on this responsibility yourself. Any changes in your concurrent situation, which includes changing any course or dropping any course, must go through your counselor FIRST!