World History Agenda 4/10/17 Warm up #6 Lecture #Japan and the Atomic Bomb Paragraph response CSA# 7 Study-guide Test on Wednesday 4/12/17
Lecture #6 Japan and the A-Bomb FLT I will be able to evaluate if the US should have dropped the atomic bombs on Japan.
Warm up #6 1. What do you think about when you hear about the atomic bomb ? 2. Are you afraid of North Korea using a nuclear bomb on the United states. Explain Sentence Starters: When I hear about the atomic bomb I think about… death, destruction,… (add 2 more) I am/ I am not afraid of North Korea using a nuclear bomb on the United states because____
Japanese Offensive Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor (Dec. 7, 1941) 1st step in plan to take more land in the Pacific Philippines – (Dec 10, 1941) US colony, attacked by Japan General Douglass MacArthur – US general in charge, held out till April 1942 Bataan Death March – 85 mile long march through jungle where 140,000 British soldiers and US died (Japanese troops did not give POW’s enough food, water, and medicine to survive) WHY? Bushido “Way of the Samurai” – Japanese believe that to surrender is cowardly, Japanese would rather die in battle as cowards who did not deserve life. Should Allies respond to Japan’s actions with equal or greater force?
Battles Battle of Coral Sea (May 1942) attempt by Japan to isolate Australia (capture the Solomon Islands) Lexington and Yorktown US aircraft carriers not at Pearl Harbor during attack Intercept Japanese fleet and attack with airplanes, US wins battle Battle of Midway (June 1942) turning point of war in Pacific Japan tries to attack Midway Island and US aircraft carriers intercept Japan’s Navy again Airplane the most important weapon in the Pacific
Island Hopping - with early US success against Japan, US starts a campaign to reach Japan by attacking certain islands in the pacific that have strategic value towards eventually attacking Japan Guam Island (1944) US able to bomb Japan with B-29s (largest US bomber)
Okinawa Island (360 miles from Japan) Iwo Jima Island (Feb 1945) costliest battle in Pacific (20,000) US Marine casualties in 1 month) US B – 17 bombers could now bomb Tokyo Bombing raid on Tokyo left 83,000 dead Okinawa Island (360 miles from Japan) island necessary to invade Japan, 50,000 US casualties, 100,000 Japanese casualties 10,000 Japanese soldiers commit suicide rather than surrender Kamikaze- “divine wind” Japanese pilots fly their planes into US ships (sink 30 ships) Analyze why there were their so much more Japanese casualties.
Fire bombing
Albert Einstein- told FDR the Germans were trying to build an A-Bomb Atomic Bomb- largest weapon ever invented (recreates power of the sun by splitting the atom that causes a chain reaction) has the power to destroy the planet if enough are detonated Temp- 7000 degrees F 980 wind speed 1mt=20,000 tons of TNT Albert Einstein- told FDR the Germans were trying to build an A-Bomb *US in race with Ger. to build A-Bomb first Predict what would have happened if Hitler had discovered the A-Bomb first? Evaluate if it was worth it for the US to put it’s resources into developing the most devastating weapon in the history of the world?
Nagasaki- (Aug. 9,1945) 2nd city bombed, 90,000 died Hiroshima- (Aug. 6, 1945) 1st city bombed, 78,000 died instantly (140,000 died by end of 1945) 200,000 died total Nagasaki- (Aug. 9,1945) 2nd city bombed, 90,000 died *No one knew effects of radiation (slow death), thought A-Bomb only produced a huge explosion Evaluate if the US was morally wrong for dropping a bomb that killed mostly civilians? *Japan surrenders Aug. 14,1945
Decision to use the bomb In Favor 1) End the war/ save American lives- people felt an invasion of Japan would have cost 1 mil. Am. Lives and millions of Japanese lives *Japan believes in death before surrender Predict how Americans would have reacted of the US invaded Japan, lost thousands of soldiers, and were told later that the US had the A-Bomb that could have ended the war with no American lives lost? 2) Stop spread of Communism- show Stalin/ Soviet Union that US has the biggest weapon on earth and are willing to use it 3) Naivety- know one knew about the after effects of radiation Evaluate if Stalin, who killed millions of his own people and lost 20 mil. Russians during WWII, would have thought the US was weak because we had the A-Bomb but did not use it. Would he feel that the US was too afraid to use it if he were to invade counties in order to spread Communism?
Decision to use the bomb Against 1) Moral Crime- A-Bomb killed mostly civilians Identify what other countries or leaders have used the Atomic used against people How would the world react today if any country used an Atomic Bomb? 2) Japan surrender- many people felt Japan would have eventually surrendered, they just needed more time Evaluate three days enough time between the 2 bombings to convince the Japanese to surrender? (Remember what the Japanese mindset was about surrender? Analyze if you feel all Japanese felt that way at the end of the war?
Paragraph response The United States dropped two atomic bombs on the Cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that lead to the death of approximately 500,000 civilians but brought about an end to WWII. Evaluate if the US should have dropped the atomic bomb on Japan Think about: Give your opinion, should the US have dropped the atomic bomb and provide a rationale as to why Americans would feel it was necessary or immoral.. Identify reasons the bomb should or should not have been dropped. Predict what kind of impact the creation of the atomic bomb will have on the world after WWII. Will the world be safer or more dangerous? explain