End of War Due to poor tactics of the German forces (many made by Hitler), and the overwhelming pressure of the allied force, the German army was pushed back into the Heart of Germany. 1.5 million troops would surrender on the Western Front in April; 800,000 on the Eastern Front Captured German soldiers were declassified as Prisoners of War (POW) to Disarmed Enemy Forces, which lessened the required care Thousands of German soldiers would die of starvation, exposure and disease.
Battle of Berlin Final battle in the war conducted by a Soviet offensive on the city. In January, 1945, Soviet troops were pushing German troops back nearly 40 kilometers per day. By the time they reached Berlin, the last push to capture the capital was April 20, 1945 1 million Soviet troops and 20,000 tanks/artillery were used to break “the Gates of Berlin” Berlin would be encircled, causing German forces to enlist all able bodied men. After realizing the impending doom, on April 20, 1945 it is said Hitler went into a tearful rage, declaring that the war was lost; he blamed the generals and announced that he would stay in Berlin until the end and then kill himself.
Death of the Dictators April 27, 1945, allied forces close in on Milan and Italian Partisans capture Benito Mussolini (dictator of Italy) April 28, Mussolini is executed and taken to Milan to be hung at the Piazzale Leroto (City square) April 30, 1945, realizing that all was lost and not wishing to suffer Mussolini's fate, Hitler and his partner (Eva Braun) supposedly committed suicide by cyanide at his “Fuhrerbunker” in Berlin. His wishes were to be doused in petrol and burned after his suicide Remains were collected by Russia and then disposed of in the 1980s? The remains became questionable, as many needed proof that they were actually Hitler’s remains Conspiracy theories believe he fled to South America (Brazil/Argentina)? A butcher who resembled Hitler was sent to Berlin instead, while Hitler stayed at his home in Austria to escape?
Berlin surrendered on May 2, 1945; May 8, V-E (Victory in Europe) day, with the unconditional surrender of German forces. In the terms of surrender: "The UK, US and Soviet Union shall possess supreme authority with respect to Germany. In the exercise of such authority they will take such steps, including the complete dismemberment of Germany, as they deem requisite for future peace and security.“ Allies would plan post war government in Germany and resettle territory that had been gained and lost Germany would be divided between West (USA and allies; with a capitalist economy) and East (Soviet; with a Marxist/communist economy/government), Berlin would also be divided.
Nuclear Armament Japan formally surrendered on August 15, 1945 Japan and the USA would also be involved in a large campaign, which would continue past the surrender of Germany August 1945, Japan had been pushed far back from its conquered territory in Southeast Asia, Midway, etc. On August 6, 1945, the US Airforce would drop an Atomic Bomb (called “Little Boy”) was dropped on the city, Hiroshima On August 9, 1945, they dropped “Fat Man” on the city Nagasaki Initial deaths were 126,000; deaths related to the bomb after effects would be nearly the same number. Japan formally surrendered on August 15, 1945 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t19kvUiHvAE