Aftermath of World War II Chapter 15 Section 5
United Nations In April 1945, 50 nations met in San Francisco Five major WWII allies US, France, Britain, Soviet Union, and China made up Security Council
Imperialism and Colonialism Imperialism and Colonialism began to decline Colonial people renewed their drive for independence
World Power Shift in balance of world power United States and Soviet Union became superpowers
World Economy US pushed for a World Bank General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade A treaty signed to expand world trade by reducing tariffs
War Crimes Geneva Convention violated Nuremburg Trials International agreement governing the humane treatment of wounded soldiers and POW’s Nuremburg Trials Allies prosecuted Nazis for war crimes
Effects of World War II Europe and Japan lay in ruins European colonies gradually gain independence Soviets dominate Eastern Europe Cold War begins America becomes world power African Americans gain momentum to pursue civil rights