Lesson 3 Unit 5
Bellwork z + 8 = 12 15 = 7 + y A piece of yarn that measures 18.4 centimeters in length is cut into two pieces. One piece measures 6.6 centimeters. Write an solve an equation to find the length of the other piece. It takes 43 muscles to frown. This is 26 more muscles than it takes to smile. Write an solve an equation to find the number of muscles it takes to smile.
Lesson 2 MP Answers Example 1: (a) 3 (b) 1 (c) 9.25 Example 2: (d) 147.5 + t = 245.5 -- 98 HOT Problems: 11. Answers may vary 12. 0, 1, 2 13. x + 9 = 11, The solution for the other equations is 3 14. She should have subtracted 12 from each side, 19 is correct 15. The value of y decreases by 4
I can… Solve subtraction equations using models…
Tech Watch the following Learnzillion video & fill out your Day 3 Learnzillion notes in your packet… Video: http://learnzillion.com/lessons/2882-write- and-solve-equations-using-a-bar-model
MP In your packet, work on Day 3 Examples 1-3 and HOT problems! We will check your work tomorrow!
Teacher Inquiry Lab & Homework Check…