Freedom From Want BY: Norman Rockwell Shaquavious
Norman Rockwell Norman Rockwell was born in New York City on February 3, 1894. Norman Rockwell knew at the age of 14 that he wanted to be an artist, and began taking classes at The New School of Art. By the age of 16, he was so serious on pursuing his passion that he dropped out of high school and enrolled at the National Academy of Design. He later transferred to the Art Students League of New York. He created World War II posters and received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1977. He died on November 8, 1978.
Publication, components, foundation, and category Freedom from want started being created in November of 1942 and was published March 6, 1943. Under academic decathlon, its under the category of World war 2 propaganda. This painting is 1624.125 inches long and 458 centimeters wide. It is simply oil on a canvas and can be found in the Norman Rockwell museum in Stockbridge, Massachusetts.
History of this painting Rockwell was inspired to do this work by a State of the Union address by President F.D. Roosevelt. The artist painted three other works inspired by the same speech. At the time the work was undertaken, America was involved in World War 2, and the painting is intended to show that despite the difficulties the country was facing, traditional American family values were still highly important.
Symbolism The freedom from want symbolizes family. As we know this painting was made when fdr had invented the new deal. Still at the time, people had no jobs, no money, losing their homes, minimum wage dropped, social security etc. in this picture, they were still all happy with just being with each other no matter the circumstances.
Norman’s quote “It wouldn't be right for me to clown around when I'm painting a president”