Radiation - Alpha and beta decay can damage surrounding materials. - Alpha particles travel short distances and will not penetrate a thick sheet of paper, but it is dangerous if ingested or inhaled. - Beta particles travel longer distances, typically penetrating matter up to several centimeters thick.
Radiation Often after alpha and beta decay, gamma rays are given off. Gamma rays are energy can penetrate matter up to several meters thick. They have no electric charge and no mass. They will go through materials until they strike an electron or the nucleus of an atom.
Radiation Analogies An analogy is a comparison between two things that are completely different – like a brain and a computer. Develop an analogy for alpha radiation, beta radiation, and gamma radiation. Explain how your analogy works. Here are some characteristics of each to help you think of an analogy: Alpha Radiation – relatively large particles, heavy, a helium nucleus, stopped by paper Beta Radiation – relatively small particles, light, an electron, stopped by a thicker sheet of aluminum Gamma Radiation – no particles whatsoever, pure energy, stopped by thick lead or concrete