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Presentation transcript:

Course Information and Introductions Intro to Computer Science CS1510 Dr. Sarah Diesburg University of Northern Iowa

University of Northern Iowa Instructor Sarah Diesburg ( Office: 311 ITTC Office hours: MWF 1:00-3:00pm and by appt. Class website: 1510_sp18/index.htm UNI eLearning University of Northern Iowa

University of Northern Iowa Other Faces Mark Jacobson – Lab Professor Jacob Campbell – Lab Teaching Assistant University of Northern Iowa

University of Northern Iowa Class Schedule Lecture in 328 ITTC Mandatory Three lectures/activities per week Lab in WRT 112 Also mandatory Hands-on work on projects for points TA and lab instructor available for help University of Northern Iowa

University of Northern Iowa Today Passing along attendance sheet Class objectives What is computer science? Logistics University of Northern Iowa

What is computer science?? Computer science is a discipline that involves the understanding and design of computers and computational processes And it’s a REALLY diverse discipline University of Northern Iowa

University of Northern Iowa Graphics Ubiquitous Computing Wearable Computing Robotics Virtual Environments Bioinformatics University of Northern Iowa

University of Northern Iowa Digital Special Effects High Performance Simulation Databases Information Security Human Computer Interface Design Game Development University of Northern Iowa

What do these things have in common? They all treat the computer as only part of a bigger picture They all treat the computer as a tool! University of Northern Iowa

University of Northern Iowa Programming! Programming is the process of writing, testing, and maintaining the source code of computer programs Collection of instructions that describe a task, or set of tasks, to be carried out by a computer While this course is an introduction to computer science, it focuses on how we can program the computer to be the tool we need! University of Northern Iowa

A brief look at course logistics Take the time outside of class to thoroughly read the course syllabus. Some highlights… University of Northern Iowa

University of Northern Iowa Why two websites? eLearning is for interaction Submit assignments and labs, view your grades Traditional website is for notes, labs, and other downloads Demo… University of Northern Iowa

University of Northern Iowa Prerequisites None Some of you may have programming experience, others may not Either way is fine University of Northern Iowa

University of Northern Iowa Required Skills Time and patience University of Northern Iowa

University of Northern Iowa Course Material Lecture notes (posted at the class website) Textbook: zyBooks Sign in or create an account at Enter zyBook code: UNICS1510DiesburgSpring2018 Subscribe University of Northern Iowa

University of Northern Iowa Course Material Interactive online textbook with little text to read Studies show using it will help you zyBook Participation Activities (worth 3% of grade) zyBook Challenge Activities (worth 3% of grade) Both activities due at the end of the week on the day they are assigned (Saturday at 11:59pm) University of Northern Iowa

University of Northern Iowa Class Grading Activity Quantity Points zyBook Participation 15@2 pts each 30 zyBook Challenge In-lab Work (Thurs) 14@10 pts each 140 Programming Homework 11@25 pts each 275 Midterm Exams 2@150 pts 300 Final Exam 1@225 225 Total 1000 University of Northern Iowa

University of Northern Iowa Grading Scale 100 – 92 A 91.9 – 90 A- 89.9 – 88 B+ 87.9 – 82 B 81.9 – 80 B- 79.9 – 78 C+ 77.9 – 72 C 71.9 – 70 C- 69.9 – 68 D+ 67.9 – 62 D 61.9 – 60 D- 59.9 – 0 F University of Northern Iowa

University of Northern Iowa Assignments Generally one a week Typically follow skills demonstrated in the lab Due on the due date! No late work accepted Turn in what you have for partial credit – it’s worth it! 10% bonus score if turned in early One class period (not lab) before due date 10% bonus is on top of what you earn University of Northern Iowa

University of Northern Iowa Academic Honesty Don’t cheat Don’t copy code from other people or websites Don’t paraphrase code from others either E.g., changing variable names & indentations Will be using sophisticated plagiarism checker University of Northern Iowa

Programming Environment Python freely available online ( But get version 3.x Do NOT get version 2 University of Northern Iowa

University of Northern Iowa Rooms you should know! ITTC 328 – Lectures ITTC 305 – The departmental office ITTC 311 – My office ITTC 335 – Student Lounge Wright 112 – Lab. Can also work in here outside of lab times. Wright 339 – Can also work in here outside of lab times. University of Northern Iowa

University of Northern Iowa To Do You will want to save your work somehow before lab on Thursday Buy a class thumb drive Save your work on your UNI Google drive Dropbox Any others? University of Northern Iowa