doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> May 2003 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: [I2R CFP Presentation for 802.15.3a UWB Alt-PHY] Date Submitted: [5 May, 2003] Source: [Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand] Company [Institiute for Infocomm Research (Singapore)] Address [20 Science Park Road, #02-34/37 Teletech Park, Singapore 117674] Voice:[(65)6870-9309], FAX: [(65)6779-5441], E-Mail:[] Abstract: [This contribution describes a proposal for high-rate wireless personal area network PHY layer approach based on sub-band hopping system architecture. The system has variable data / sampling rates to address numerous application / power / complexity requirements; flexible spectrum management techniques to adapt, to different regulatory environments; good performance in the presence of multipath and multiple access interference especially with channel equalisation.] Purpose: [This contribution is submitted to the IEEE 802.15.3a task group for consideration as a possible solution for high-rate, short-range WPAN applications.] Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R <author>, <company>
doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> <month year> doc.: IEEE 802.15-<doc#> May 2003 Outline Key features Multi-band plan Variable pulse rate Multi-band PHY Frame structure & Preamble RF & Baseband Architecture Performance Analysis Implementation feasibility Coexistence & Interference Plans Self evaluation Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R <author>, <company>
Key Features Uses multiband approach High spectral efficiency May 2003 Key Features Uses multiband approach Available spectrum is divided into multiple bands PNC ID based Time-frequency sub-band hopping sequence for uncoordinated piconets Frequency agility for interference mitigation Flexible spectrum usage Compatible with existing wireless PAN/LAN standards High spectral efficiency QPSK modulation for data within each band Reed-Solomon outer code + Quadrature M-ary Orthogonal Keying (QMOK) inner code Multi-channel equaliser per subband to suppress ISI and interference from simultaneously operating piconets (SOP) Variable pulse rate transmission Variable data / sampling rates to cater to different power / complexity requirements Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Multiband Approach Divide spectrum into multiple bands 13 subbands May 2003 Multiband Approach Divide spectrum into multiple bands 13 subbands Lower frequency group has 7 subbands Higher frequency group has 6 subbands Reference clock as 11 MHz Chip rate per subband is 308 MHz (= 28*11) Chip duration ~3.25 ns Rectified cosine pulse shaping filter ~ 622 MHz wide bands to best utilize the spectrum Inter-band spacing is 539 MHz (= 1.75*308) Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Lower (Centre) Upper Fr. May 2003 Band Allocation Plan High Frequency Group 7 8 9 10 11 12 ~ 1 2 3 4 5 6 Low frequency group Sacrifice one band for WLAN coexistence (depending on geographical location) Possible interferences: 802.11 interference in Japan (4.9-5.25 GHz) (Band 2) and in Europe/US (5.15-5.825 GHz) (Band 3 & 4) Band No Lower (Centre) Upper Fr. 3308 (3619) 3930 7 7081 (7392) 7703 1 3847 (4158) 4469 8 7620 (7931) 8242 2 4386 (4697) 5008 9 8159 (8470) 8781 3 4925 (5236) 5547 10 8698 (9009) 9320 4 5464 (5775) 6086 11 9237 (9548) 9860 5 6003 (6314) 6625 12 9776 (10087) 10398 6 6542 (6853) 7164 Frequency in MHz Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Band Allocation Plan 13 active frequency bands for transmission May 2003 Band Allocation Plan 13 active frequency bands for transmission Divided into lower (band 0-6) and upper (band 7-12) frequency groups One band in the lower group is avoided for co-existence with 802.11a WLAN Centre frequencies selected for ease of implementation Both groups can be used in parallel to increase the bit rate Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Transmit Pulse Shape Rectified cosine pulse as pulse shape filter May 2003 Transmit Pulse Shape Rectified cosine pulse as pulse shape filter Pulse width ~ 3.25 ns (=1/ 308 MHz = 1/(28*11MHz)) ~ 622 MHz wide bands to best utilize the spectrum Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Time-Frequency Hopping Sequence for Multiple Access May 2003 Time-Frequency Hopping Sequence for Multiple Access Length 6 time-frequency sequence Random sequences can be used Possible number of hopping sequence is 720 (= 6!) Various degree of collision from multiple devices will be resolved using oversampling multi-channel equalizer Sequence can be determined by piconet coordinator’s (PNC) ID Faster piconet establishment Linear congruency design is an good method to design sequences that will minimise impact of multiple access interference All Beacons will have a fixed TF Hopping Sequence for easy detection Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Variable pulse rate Multi-band PHY May 2003 Variable pulse rate Multi-band PHY Supports 3 pulse rates 77/154/308 MHz Sampling frequency is 4*PRF (Pulse Repetition Frequency) Independent of total number of subband available, few subbands means shorter PRI Adaptive sampling rates for better power utilization Oversampling for multi-channel equalisation to provide effective ISI suppression when operating in channels with large delay spread and interference suppression when operating under simultaneous operating piconets Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Variable pulse rate (for 6-band) May 2003 Variable pulse rate (for 6-band) Sampling instance PRl/subband is inversely proportional to chip rates 19.5 ns: 6 pulses, each with pulse width ~3.25 ns for 308 Mcps 39 ns: 6 pulses, each with pulse width ~3.25 ns for 154 Mcps 78 ns: 6 pulses, each with pulse width ~3.25 ns for 77 Mcps Sampling frequency changes with chip rate (= 4*chip rate) so as to reduce ADC power consumption at lower data rate Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Operation Modes and Payload Bit Rates May 2003 Operation Modes and Payload Bit Rates Mode Index Modulation Reed-S Coding Rate QMOK Coding Rate Pulse Rate [Mpps] Sub-Band PRI [ns] Payload Bit Rate [Mbps] (6-band example) QPSK 1 (Nil) Repetition code x #bands 154 39 25.67 1 221/255 4/8 77 78 67 2 ¾ 100 3 133 4 200 5 308 19.5 267 6 400 7 533 Mode 0 for beacons & headers, with same information in all subbands PHY header data rate field mapped to Operation mode index In each operation mode, different number of sub-bands can be used, and the payload bit rate will be proportional to #subbands used Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Preamble Modulation & Symbol Rate May 2003 Preamble Modulation & Symbol Rate Op. Mode Index Modulation Reed-S Coding Rate QMOK Coding Rate Pulse Rate [Mpps] Sub-Band PRI [ns] Preamble Symbol Rate [Mbps] (6 bands example) 1&2 QPSK 1 (Nil) Repetition code x #bands 77 78 12.83 3&4 154 39 25.67 5,6&7 308 19.5 51.33 Preamble has same pulse rate as payload information Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Packet overhead parameters for data throughput comparison May 2003 Frame structure Packet overhead parameters for data throughput comparison Features Preamble: CAZAC symbols repeated on all subbands Headers: Fixed pulse rate at 154 Mpps Payload bits: RS outer coded + QMOK inner coded No structural change for existing 15.3 frame definition Same MAC header and HCS definition PHY header data rate field mapped to Operation mode index Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Preamble Definition 16 CAZAC sequences CCA/packet detection May 2003 Preamble Definition 16 CAZAC sequences CCA/packet detection Timing acquisition Channel estimation Channel equalisation SIR estimation / Link quality assessment End of preamble delimiter 10 CAZAC Sequences 5 CAZAC Sequences 1 inverted CAZAC Sequence Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
May 2003 Preamble Sequence Use cyclic shifted CAZAC sequence for preamble on different subbands for rapid acquisition 1 2 3 4 5 6 C0 C12 C6 C9 C14 C3 C1 C13 C7 C10 C15 C4 C2 C14 C8 C11 C0 C5 Subband # 3.25ns CAZAC Sequence: C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 1+j -1+j -1-j 1-j Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Quadrature orthogonal keying May 2003 Coding & Interleaving RS coding Quadrature orthogonal keying Data To RF Block Interleaver Scrambling code Preamble Inner code: Reed-Solomon Code (221, 255) To overcome burst errors Outer code: Quadrature M-ary Orthogonal Keying (QMOK) 4/8 rate and ¾ rate selection Power efficient modulation Walsh-Hadamard Orthogonal code Fast Hadamard Transforms exist with low latency and low complexity Scrambler Same as that in 15.3 standard Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Quadrature M-ary Orthogonal Keying (example 4/8 rate code) May 2003 Quadrature M-ary Orthogonal Keying (example 4/8 rate code) 4 Mapping 8 consists of 4 bits A 1 3 2 5 6 7 i I Q B Symbol (In) Symbol (Out) 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 1 0 0 1 1 -1 1 –1 1 –1 1 –1 0 0 1 0 -1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 –1 –1 1 1 –1 –1 0 0 1 1 -1 1 1 -1 -1 1 1 -1 1 0 1 1 1 –1 –1 1 1 –1 –1 1 0 1 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 –1 –1 –1 –1 0 1 0 1 -1 1 -1 1 1 -1 1 –1 1 1 0 1 1 –1 1 –1 –1 1 –1 1 0 1 1 0 -1 -1 1 1 1 1 -1 –1 1 1 1 0 1 1 –1 –1 –1 –1 1 1 0 1 1 1 -1 1 1 -1 1 -1 -1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 –1 1 –1 1 1 -1 Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
RF Transmitter Architecture May 2003 RF Transmitter Architecture Lower frequency band Data I 90o LO 1 Data Q Bit sequence from QMOK encoder Subband select De-MUX Data I 90o LO 2 Data Q Upper frequency band (Optional) PNC ID based TF Subband Hopping Seq. Subband select Upper frequency band may be in parallel to achieve high data rate Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Receiver RF Architecture & Noise Figure May 2003 Receiver RF Architecture & Noise Figure -90° I Q LNA BPF Quad. Mixer LPF LO Antenna VGA Gain Control (Frequency depends on subband selector) BPF LNA and VGA Quad. Mixer LPF Gain (dB) -2 20 7 N.F. (dB) 2 3.5 Cascaded (dB) 5.5 5.58 Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Receiver Baseband Architecture May 2003 Receiver Baseband Architecture Scrambling code Multi-channel Equalizer From RF DeInt. ADC QMOKDemap RS decoding P/S W Multichannel Equalizer: For Subband #1 Demux. Into Subbandeqr Adaptive MMSE W For Subband #6 Adaptive MMSE Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Multi-Channel Equalizer May 2003 Multi-Channel Equalizer Each of the parallel subband has a multi-channel MMSE Equalizer Each equalizer takes in the 4 oversamples within each Pulse Repetition Interval, and combine with a 4-tap weight to give a output complex symbol Each equaliser can suppress self-interference due to same sub-band upto 3 inter-pulse interference under large channel delay spread ~60 ns for CM1 & CM2 ~120 ns for CM3 ~240 ns for CM4 Each equaliser can suppress upto 3 simultaneously operating piconets (SOP) interferers using the same sub-band Recursive Least Square (RLS) adaptive algorithm is a good candidate for the mutli-channel MMSE equalizer Fast convergence Efficient implementation Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Multi-Channel Equalizer - Complexity May 2003 Multi-Channel Equalizer - Complexity Each of the parallel subband has a multi-channel MMSE Equalizer with Recursive Least Square (RLS) adaptive algorithm RLS can be implemented using systolic array structure Each array cell can be implemented in pipeline fashion RLS Systolic array structure Array Cell pipelined structure Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Performance analysis Link Budget PHY-SAP Throughput System Performance May 2003 Performance analysis Link Budget PHY-SAP Throughput System Performance Simultaneously Operating Piconets Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Link budget (6-band) May 2003 Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Frame Duration & PHY-SAP Throughput May 2003 Frame Duration & PHY-SAP Throughput Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
May 2003 System Performance Mode 1 (67Mbps payload, QPSK, RS (255,221) + 4/8-rate QMOK) 100 CM4 channels / 6-Band / NF = 7dB / Imp. Loss = 5dB Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
May 2003 System Performance Mode 3 (133Mbps payload, QPSK, RS (255,221) + 4/8-rate QMOK) 100 CM3 channels / 6-Band / NF = 7dB / Imp. Loss = 5dB Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
May 2003 System Performance Mode 3 (133Mbps payload, QPSK, RS (255,221) + 4/8-rate QMOK) 100 CM4 channels / 6-Band / NF = 7dB / Imp. Loss = 5dB Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
May 2003 System Performance Mode 5 (267Mbps payload, QPSK, RS (255,221) + 4/8-rate QMOK) 100 CM2 channels / 6-Band / NF = 7dB / Imp. Loss = 5dB Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
System Performance Mode 7 (533Mbps payload, QPSK, RS (255,221)) May 2003 System Performance Mode 7 (533Mbps payload, QPSK, RS (255,221)) 100 CM1 channels / 6-Band / NF = 7dB / Imp. Loss = 5dB Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
System Performance Equaliser vs RAKE (Mode 1 & 3) May 2003 System Performance Equaliser vs RAKE (Mode 1 & 3) Mode 1 (67Mbps) Mode 3 (133Mbps) Performance gap widens when channel delay spread increases MMSE equaliser can better suppress ISI Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
System Performance Equaliser vs RAKE (Mode 5 & 7) May 2003 System Performance Equaliser vs RAKE (Mode 5 & 7) Mode 5 (267Mbps) Mode 7 (533Mbps) RAKE receiver performance is ISI-limited (cannot achieve 8% FER however short the link distance is) Performance gap widens when channel delay spread increases and Eb/No requirement increases (as in Mode 7) Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Simultaneously Operating Piconets May 2003 Simultaneously Operating Piconets Objective: evaluate the multipath performance in the presence of multiple uncoordinated piconets under the effects of Choice of Time-Frequency Hopping Sequence MMSE channel equalisation vs RAKE Performance Results dint/dref for each reference link in a given CM, each reference link over each interfering link in another given CM e.g. 25 dint/dref values for 5 ref CM3 x 5 int CM4 (as backup materials) PER vs. dint/dref, averaged over all reference links in a given CM, each reference link over all interfering links in another given CM e.g. 1 set of PER vs. dint/dref values for 5 ref CM3 x 5 int CM4 (as backup materials) the minimum value of dint/dref for which the average PER is 8%, averaged over all reference links in a given CM, each reference link over all interfering links in another given CM e.g. 1 dint/dref value for 5 ref CM3 x 5 int CM4 Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Simultaneously Operating Piconets May 2003 Simultaneously Operating Piconets All reference and interference links are normalised to unit energy Reference link distance (dref) was half the 8% PER distance (notionally giving 6 dB margin) Interfering link distance (dint) was varied from 8* dref to dref /8 Measure PER as a function of the ratio of dint to dref Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Simultaneously Operating Piconets May 2003 Simultaneously Operating Piconets Ref. and interference link Reference link: Channel 1-5 from each CM 1-4 1st interference link: Channel 6-10 from each CM 1-4 2nd interference link: Channel 11-15 from each CM 1-4 3rd interference link: Channel 16-20 from each CM 1-4 2nd and 3rd interference link do not use AWGN channels as stated in selection criteria, as it may not be realistic enough 5 sets of Interference link channels Channel 6,11,16 of each interfering CMs represents first set Channel 7,12,17 of each interfering CMs represents second set, etc E.g. When N=2, channel 6&11 will be used for 1st and 2nd interference links for first SOP interference scenario; channel 7&12 for second SOP interference scenario, etc Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
May 2003 Simultaneously Operating Piconets Effect of TF Hopping Sequence Collision 5 collision patterns '1 x N' - desired piconet has full collision (from all SOP) in only 1 specific subband 'B x 1' - desired piconet has at most one collision in each sub-band 'B x N' - desired piconet has full collisions in all subbands (worst case) 'B x 1/2' - desired piconet has “1/2” collision (by ringing down subband transmitted one PRI earlier in another SOP) in all subbands 'B x 1/3' - desired piconet has “1/3” collision (by ringing down subband transmitted two PRI earlier in another SOP) in all subbands '1 x N' 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 Piconet # ‘B x 1' 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 Piconet # Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
May 2003 Simultaneously Operating Piconets Effect of TF Hopping Sequence Collision ‘B x N' ‘B x 1/3' 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 1 2 3 Piconet # Piconet # ‘B x 1/2' 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 Piconet # Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Simultaneously Operating Piconets May 2003 Simultaneously Operating Piconets Mode 3 (133Mbps payload, QPSK, RS (255,221) + 4/8-rate QMOK) 5 CM3 ref. Channels x 5 sets of CM1 int. Channels Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Simultaneously Operating Piconets May 2003 Simultaneously Operating Piconets Mode 3 (133Mbps payload, QPSK, RS (255,221) + 4/8-rate QMOK) 5 CM3 ref. Channels x 5 sets of CM2 int. Channels Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Simultaneously Operating Piconets May 2003 Simultaneously Operating Piconets Mode 3 (133Mbps payload, QPSK, RS (255,221) + 4/8-rate QMOK) 5 CM3 ref. Channels x 5 sets of CM3 int. Channels Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Simultaneously Operating Piconets May 2003 Simultaneously Operating Piconets Mode 3 (133Mbps payload, QPSK, RS (255,221) + 4/8-rate QMOK) 5 CM3 ref. Channels x 5 sets of CM4 int. Channels Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
SOP – Performance Analysis May 2003 SOP – Performance Analysis # interfering SOP Performance gets worse when # interfering SOP increases Equaliser vs RAKE Considerable performance gap 5x difference in dint/dref for CM1,CM2 3x difference in dint/dref for CM3,CM4 Each sub-band equaliser can suppress self-interference due to same sub-band Each sub-band equaliser can suppress upto 3 simultaneously operating piconets (SOP) interferers using the same sub-band Effect of TF Hopping Sequence collision ‘B x N’ worst performance ‘1 x N’, ‘B x 1’, ‘B x 1/2 ‘ similar performance ‘B x 1/3’ > ‘1 x N’, ‘B x 1’, ‘B x 1/2‘ > ‘B x N’ Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
SOP performance analysis – impact on system design May 2003 SOP performance analysis – impact on system design Adaptive equaliser Activate adaptive multi-channel equalisation algorithm in the presence of SOP to improve performance Choice of Time-Frequency Hopping Sequence Avoid ‘B x N’ full collision from SOP in all subbands Random Time-Frequency Hopping Sequence based on PNC’s ID is sufficient Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Implementation Feasibility May 2003 Implementation Feasibility The proposed multi-band approach is designed to reduce the complexity and power consumption Re-use of same circuitry for different sub-bands leads to lesser silicon area due to non-overlapped timing between sub-bands Shared LO, ADC, equalizer, etc.. ADCs with lower sampling rate due for lower pulse rate, for lower data rate reduction in number of bits requirement for ADC 4-tap equalizer and ‘QMOK decoding/despreading processing’ allows the system to work satisfactorily even with four-bit ADCs Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Scalability Power consumption May 2003 Scalability Power consumption ADC sampling rate is proportional to pulse rate, thus lower power at lower date rate Data rate increases with the number of bands used in the transceiver, while system complexity remains the same Simultaneous transmission in low and high frequency groups to double data rate Increases the cost of transmitter and receiver due to the presence of a second local oscillator and an additional receiver chain Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Coexistence Plans Static control Dynamic control WLAN 802.11a bands May 2003 Coexistence Plans Static control Frequency band for the devices should be configurable through software based on the geographic locations Dynamic control UWB device will detect possible narrowband interference and avoid the corresponding bands WLAN 802.11a bands Respective bands are avoided E.g: In Japan (4.9-5.25 GHz) in Europe/US (5.15-5.825 GHz) Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Narrowband Interference Plans May 2003 Narrowband Interference Plans Sub-bands should be scanned periodically to detect narrowband interference Rely on adjacent channel rejection of filters + receiver signal processing (e.g. multi-channel equaliser) to overcome Robust RF front end design Antenna Filters Component linearity requirements Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
May 2003 Flexibility Individual devices are adapted to interference without coordination with other devices Easy adaptation for different regulatory environments Simply avoid the affected sub-band within geographical area Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Location awareness Accuracy and precision of ranging using UWB devices May 2003 Location awareness Accuracy and precision of ranging using UWB devices Is independent of “turn-around time” of the transmitter/receiver. Can rely on sub-ns transceiver clocking circuits. Is nearly independent of chosen UWB pulse width. Location information is calculated based on simultaneous exchange of two messages between devices Time differences between sending and receiving messages are computed for both the devices The physical distance between devices are proportional to the time difference Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Summary Features of I2R’s Proposal on UWB multi-band system May 2003 Summary Features of I2R’s Proposal on UWB multi-band system Spectrum flexibility Adapting to different regulatory requirements Coexistence with narrowband systems scalability in terms of number of bands employed Good performance with multipath and simultaneously operating piconets Better interference suppression with the use of equaliser Minimum performance degradation even with random time-frequency hopping sequence Low power / complexity solution Sampling rate and pulse rate proportional to data rate Minimal MAC supplements Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
802.15.3a Merge Work Cooperating parties: General Atomics May 2003 802.15.3a Merge Work Cooperating parties: General Atomics Intel Corporation Philips Staccato Communications Time Domain Wisair Samsung Appairent Femto Devices FOCUS Enhancement Fujitsu Infineon Institute for Infocomm Research Mitsubishi Electric Taiyo Yuden R&D of America Objectives: “Best” Technical Solution ONE Solution Excellent Business Terms Fast Time To Market We encourage participation by any party who can help us reach our goals. Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
May 2003 Self evaluation Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Backup Materials SOP Performance Results (for 5 ref CM3 x 5 int CM4 ) May 2003 Backup Materials SOP Performance Results (for 5 ref CM3 x 5 int CM4 ) dint/dref for each reference link in a given CM, each reference link over each interfering link in another given CM e.g. 25 dint/dref values for 5 ref CM3 x 5 int CM4 PER vs. dint/dref, averaged over all reference links in a given CM, each reference link over all interfering links in another given CM e.g. 1 set of PER vs. dint/dref values for 5 ref CM3 x 5 int CM4 Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Simultaneously Operating Piconets May 2003 Simultaneously Operating Piconets Mode 3 (133Mbps payload, QPSK, RS (255,221) + 4/8-rate QMOK) 5 CM3 ref. Channels x 5 sets of CM4 int. Channels N = 1, TFMA Mode = ‘1 x N’ Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Simultaneously Operating Piconets May 2003 Simultaneously Operating Piconets Mode 3 (133Mbps payload, QPSK, RS (255,221) + 4/8-rate QMOK) 5 CM3 ref. Channels x 5 sets of CM4 int. Channels N = 1, TFMA Mode = ‘B x N’ Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Simultaneously Operating Piconets May 2003 Simultaneously Operating Piconets Mode 3 (133Mbps payload, QPSK, RS (255,221) + 4/8-rate QMOK) 5 CM3 ref. Channels x 5 sets of CM4 int. Channels N = 1, TFMA Mode = ‘B x 1’ Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Simultaneously Operating Piconets May 2003 Simultaneously Operating Piconets Mode 3 (133Mbps payload, QPSK, RS (255,221) + 4/8-rate QMOK) 5 CM3 ref. Channels x 5 sets of CM4 int. Channels N = 1, TFMA Mode = ‘B x ½’ Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Simultaneously Operating Piconets May 2003 Simultaneously Operating Piconets Mode 3 (133Mbps payload, QPSK, RS (255,221) + 4/8-rate QMOK) 5 CM3 ref. Channels x 5 sets of CM4 int. Channels N = 1, TFMA Mode = ‘B x 1/3’ Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Simultaneously Operating Piconets May 2003 Simultaneously Operating Piconets Mode 3 (133Mbps payload, QPSK, RS (255,221) + 4/8-rate QMOK) 5 CM3 ref. Channels x 5 sets of CM4 int. Channels N = 2, TFMA Mode = ‘1 x N’ Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Simultaneously Operating Piconets May 2003 Simultaneously Operating Piconets Mode 3 (133Mbps payload, QPSK, RS (255,221) + 4/8-rate QMOK) 5 CM3 ref. Channels x 5 sets of CM4 int. Channels N = 2, TFMA Mode = ‘B x N’ Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Simultaneously Operating Piconets May 2003 Simultaneously Operating Piconets Mode 3 (133Mbps payload, QPSK, RS (255,221) + 4/8-rate QMOK) 5 CM3 ref. Channels x 5 sets of CM4 int. Channels N = 2, TFMA Mode = ‘B x 1’ Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Simultaneously Operating Piconets May 2003 Simultaneously Operating Piconets Mode 3 (133Mbps payload, QPSK, RS (255,221) + 4/8-rate QMOK) 5 CM3 ref. Channels x 5 sets of CM4 int. Channels N = 2, TFMA Mode = ‘B x ½’ Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Simultaneously Operating Piconets May 2003 Simultaneously Operating Piconets Mode 3 (133Mbps payload, QPSK, RS (255,221) + 4/8-rate QMOK) 5 CM3 ref. Channels x 5 sets of CM4 int. Channels N = 2, TFMA Mode = ‘B x 1/3’ Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Simultaneously Operating Piconets May 2003 Simultaneously Operating Piconets Mode 3 (133Mbps payload, QPSK, RS (255,221) + 4/8-rate QMOK) 5 CM3 ref. Channels x 5 sets of CM4 int. Channels N = 3, TFMA Mode = ‘1 x N’ Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Simultaneously Operating Piconets May 2003 Simultaneously Operating Piconets Mode 3 (133Mbps payload, QPSK, RS (255,221) + 4/8-rate QMOK) 5 CM3 ref. Channels x 5 sets of CM4 int. Channels N = 3, TFMA Mode = ‘B x N’ Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Simultaneously Operating Piconets May 2003 Simultaneously Operating Piconets Mode 3 (133Mbps payload, QPSK, RS (255,221) + 4/8-rate QMOK) 5 CM3 ref. Channels x 5 sets of CM4 int. Channels N = 3, TFMA Mode = ‘B x 1’ Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Simultaneously Operating Piconets May 2003 Simultaneously Operating Piconets Mode 3 (133Mbps payload, QPSK, RS (255,221) + 4/8-rate QMOK) 5 CM3 ref. Channels x 5 sets of CM4 int. Channels N = 3, TFMA Mode = ‘B x ½’ Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R
Simultaneously Operating Piconets May 2003 Simultaneously Operating Piconets Mode 3 (133Mbps payload, QPSK, RS (255,221) + 4/8-rate QMOK) 5 CM3 ref. Channels x 5 sets of CM4 int. Channels N = 3, TFMA Mode = ‘B x 1/3’ Francois Chin, Madhukumar, Xiaoming Peng, Sivanand, I2R