Christian Worldview Ideas have consequences 1. What Johnny learns in church vs. school 2. How can you evangelize in a secular world ? August 23, 2009 notes from Answers in Genesis
Christian Worldview Is the Bible True ? Is the Bible True from the beginning, Gen 1:1 ? How do these answers affect my life ? Why are we studying this ? – To strengthen your faith
Course Review # 1: Bible affects all areas of our lives # 2: Darwinism # 3: Dinosaurs # 4: Age of Earth, Part 1 # 5: Age of Earth, Part 2
Todays Lesson Part 1 – What Johnny learns in Sunday School vs Public School Part 2 – Evangelizing in a Secular World
Part 1 What is Johnny learns – in Sunday School vs. Public School
Ken Ham says Sunday School stories – Are important – But they dont connect to the real world ! Our children – See a cartoon about Noah – Then go out into the Big Bang world ! Our children need – To be able to connect the Bible to the real world ! – Teach the Bible as a history book The people in the pews need – To connect the Bible to the real world !
Poor little Johnny …
Little Johnny is eager to serve but doesnt know what he believes …
Whats really happening …
Johnnys foundation is not what you think …
What should be taught …
What we should be doing …
Now Johnny knows what is true and what are the stories
Part 2 Evangelizing in a secular world
God says
Bad things happen… then they ask Wheres God ? When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do ?"
Christ Crucified
Peter speaking to the Jews – they believed in Creation
What can we do ?
Start at the very beginning ! Genesis Chapters 1 – 11 Sin Salvation You dont have to be Billy Graham – Invite them to church, youth group, etc.
Easy terms ? Maybe not … God Sin Jesus Not everyone understands the basics !
You are talking to people who have no foundation ! USA Japan Greece Jews Even your friends have a completely different culture ! Many people IN CHURCH dont have a basic understanding of the Bible / Gospel
Christian Worldview vs. Evolution
What can we do ?
Good news vs. bad news
Death: Bloodshed, Suffering, Disease
The Gospel
You cant convince anyone ! The Holy Spirit does the convincing / convicting ! Mans responsibility vs. Gods Soverignty
What about you ? Romans 3:23 – for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God Romans 6:23 – For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord Romans 10:9 – That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:13 – "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." If you are saved, what are you doing for the Lord, for heavens sake ? If you are saved, what are you doing for the Lord, for heavens sake ?
The End What do you think now ? – Millions or years or – ~6,000 years old What does it all mean for you ?