Mrs. Escamilla English & Social Studies Welcome! Mrs. Escamilla English & Social Studies
About the Teacher * Grew up in Agoura Hills * B.A. from UCLA * Teaching Credential CLU * Masters Degree CLU * 4th year teaching at LCMS * New baby! Olivia Claire is 3 ½ months
Reading Reading to Learn * Fiction & Non-fiction * Various text structures * Annotate * Analyse Core Literature * Number the Stars, Tuck Everlasting * Short stories, poems, Shakespeare, non-fiction * Literature Anthology - piloting
Writing * Three main formats Narrative – describe, summarize, analyze Informative - summarize, synthesize Argumentative - prove, support * Begin i-notes and drafts in class * teacher feedback * Practice!
Project-Based Learning * Students will be given the opportunity to work in groups to complete projects. * peer collaboration * The students will learn how to better conduct research * Social Skills * Different points of view
Tests & Quizzes * Social Studies * English * Daily Language Review Study guides provided about five days before Multiple choice, matching, essay * English * Daily Language Review * Literacy * Study Strategies * Has he/she met the learning goal?
Homework * Homework - late = ½ credit * Projects – late 10% reduction * Absent? Website (you can also go through the LCMS School website) absent bin in classroom ask a friend Students have the same number of days as absent to make up work * Extra Credit? Fix assignment for a higher grade
Common Core State Standards
It Takes a Village... * Communicate * Provide a supportive learning environment * Encourage use of technology and integrity * Contact me anytime with any concerns * Check Q * Check agenda book * Organization * Time management
Technology * Google classroom * Student Login & password in Agenda book * Parent login & password – contact the office * 1:1 laptops!
Q Parent Connect
“Sticky Students” - Sport-o-Rama - Choir - Dances - Strings - Builders Club - Student Council - WEB - Sports - School Newspaper - Choir - Strings - Band - GATE - Art - Wood - Boys and Girls Club - start something new!
Thank you! giant post-it paper Tissues Hand sanitizer Glue Sticks Markers highlighters pencils erasers Pens White board markers notebook paper
Stay Connected 805.492-3538 x1231