Our 1st Grade Classroom News The Week of March 26-29, 2018 Upcoming Events 3/30 Spring Holiday NO SCHOOL!!! Reminders 3/28 Report Cards Go Home 3/29 DTE Spirit Day 4/6 College Day/ Math Fluency 4/13 DTE Spirit Day 4/20 DTE Spirit 4/27 DTE Spirit Day Our Learning ELA Skills Weekly Story: Our Solar System Comprehension Skill: conclusions Phonics: r controlled vowels; -er, -ir, and -ur Grammar: the pronouns I and me Vocab Strategies: using a dictionary entry Math Skills Addition of tens or ones to a two-digit number and solving varied problem types within 20 At-Home Practice Academic Vocabulary: sun, moon, stars, observe, effective, explain, infer, events, setting, diagram, sunrise, horizon, Sight Words: baby, follow, years, begins, learning, young, eight, until Spelling Words: her, fern, girl, sir, stir, bird, fur, hurt, turn, third