Exploring Chapter 2 of Their Eyes… Day 1 Closely reading Chapter 2 of Their Eyes Were Watching God, using Thomas C. Foster as our guide. Exploring Chapter 2 of Their Eyes…
In How to Read Lit. Like a Prof. Reread an excerpt of chapter 2 of Their Eyes Were Watching God begin on page 10, “It was a spring afternoon…” end on page 12, “That was the end of her childhood.” In your RJ make note of literary elements—both large and small—that you note in this section of the text.
In How to Read Lit. Like a Prof. Thomas C. Foster wrote the following in his chapter “…So does Season”: “So it is with books and poems. We read the seasons in them almost without being conscious of the many associations that we bring to that reading. When Shakespeare compares his beloved to a summer’s day, we know almost instinctively…that this is way more flattering than being compared to say, January eleventh… Seasons can work magic on us, and writers can work magic with seasons” (183-184). Talk with your partner—how does this quote apply to the excerpt from chapter 2 that you just reread?
In How to Read Lit. Like a Prof. Thomas C. Foster wrote the following in his chapter “…Except Sex”: “Drives you crazy, doesn’t it? When they’re writing about other things, they really mean sex, and when they write about sex, they really mean something else” (144). “You just know that these scenes mean something more than what is going on in them. It’s true in life as well, where sex can be pleasure, sacrifice, submission, rebellion, resignation, supplication, domination, enlightenment, the whole works…it’s not only true of weird sex. Sometimes even good literary sex is about something else” (150-151). Talk with your partner—how does this quote apply to the excerpt from chapter 2 that you just reread? (And, yes, I know the chapter is about a kiss and not sex. Still…)
A Poetry Pairing with Chapter 2 of Their Eyes… Shared Themes A Poetry Pairing with Chapter 2 of Their Eyes…
This is the painting The Kiss by Gustav Klimt Have students take a moment and talk with a partner about what they see happening in this piece of artwork. Also, ask them how it may be connected to Their Eyes Were Watching God…
Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s poem “Short Story on a Painting of Gustav Klimt ” They are kneeling upright on a flowered bed He has just caught her there and holds her still Her gown has slipped down off her shoulder He has an urgent hunger His dark head bends to hers hungrily And the woman the woman turns her tangerine lips from his one hand like the head of a dead swan draped down over his heavy neck the fingers strangely crimped tightly together Have a student read the poem aloud.
Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s poem “Short Story on a Painting of Gustav Klimt ” her other arm doubled up against her tight breast her hand a languid claw clutching his hand which would turn her mouth to his her long dress made of multicolored blossoms quilted on gold her Titian hair with blues stars in it And his gold harlequin robe checkered with dark squares Gold garlands stream down over her bare calves & tensed feet
Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s poem “Short Story on a Painting of Gustav Klimt ” Nearby there must be a jeweled tree with glass leaves aglitter in the gold air It must be morning in a faraway place somewhere They are silent together as in a flowered field upon the summer couch which must be hers And he holds her still so passionately holds her head to his so gently so insistently to make her turn her lips to his Her eyes are closed like folded petals She will not open He is not the One
The Task Complete the TPCASTT worksheet comparing Ferlinghetti’s poem to the noted excerpt from Their Eyes… DUE TOMORROW Remind students to annotate the text. Allow students to work in partners in class but finish on their own for tomorrow. Draw their attention to the note on the worksheet that states, “To aid you in tomorrow’s task, pay close attention to literary devices and techniques that run parallel in each piece, as well as those that that juxtapose each other.”