Measure4Measure (Escalus) namehere Measure4Measure (Escalus) 4 minutes ago The Kiss – Gustav Klimt Just walked out of the church; Romeo and Juliet are dead. #Senseless #StarCrossedLovers BenvolioTheGood Nurse4Tooth ThatLordCapulet @LordOfTheMontegues How could we have allowed our petty differences to come between our families. Now our only children are gone. #ImSorry #RIPJuliet LordOfTheMontegues @ThatLordCapulet We have to do something to make sure this never happens again. Let’s build a #statue to honor their needless deaths. My wife has gone to pieces; I don’t know if she can deal with the loss. #RIPRomeo
Measure4Measure (Escalus) namehere Measure4Measure (Escalus) 1 Day ago No. 6 (Violet, Green and Red) – Mark Rothko More death in the streets. My cousin Mercutio is dead at the hands of Tybalt; Tybalt by the hands of Romeo. Blood, Grass and Night fill my soul. #RomeoIsBanished LadyCapulet ThatLordCapulet LadyCapulet Banishment is not enough, @Measure4Measure!!! Romeo must pay for his crimes with his life! #ExecuteRomeo Measure4Measure I assure you @LadyCapulet, Romeo is being punished. Banishment to him is surely like being executed. Besides, Tybalt killed my kinsman as well! #Measure4Measure
ThePrinceOfCats (Tybalt) namehere Measure4Measure (Escalus) 2 Days ago The Scream – Edvard Munch These Montegues and Capulets keep fighting in MY streets! Death to anyone who causes anymore problems! #ImLookingAtYouCapulet #AndYouMontegue MercutiOOOOOO BenvolioTheGood BenvolioTheGood @ThePrinceOfCats started it all. I was trying to break it all up! I wanted peace! #ThrowDownYourSwords ThePrinceOfCats (Tybalt) I hate the word peace, @BenvolioTheGood! I will have my revenge against the Montegues. #ThouArtAVillain