PEMARKAHAN LAPORAN AKNC Anugerah Kualiti Naib Canselor 2014
Penilaian Proses Empat elemen penting proses Pendekatan (A) Penggunaan yang meluas (D) Pembelajaran (L) Integrasi (I) The scoring of responses to Criteria Items and Award applicant feedback is based on two evaluation dimensions: (1) Process and (2) Results. Criteria users need to furnish information relating to both. A further look at the two dimensions follows. Approach refers to the methods used to accomplish the process the appropriateness of the methods to the Item requirements the effectiveness of your use of the methods the degree to which the approach is repeatable and based on reliable data and information (i.e., systematic) Deployment refers to the extent to which your approach is applied in addressing Item requirements relevant and important to your organization your approach is applied consistently your approach is used by all appropriate work units Learning refers to refining your approach through cycles of evaluation and improvement encouraging breakthrough change to your approach through innovation sharing of refinements and innovation with other relevant work units and processes in your organization Integration refers to the extent to which your approach is aligned with your organizational needs as identified in other Criteria Item requirements your measures, information, and improvement systems are complementary across processes and work units your plans, processes, results, analyses, learning, and actions are harmonized across processes and work units to support organization-wide goals 4
PENDEKATAN (Approach) Adakah pendekatan sistematik? Pendekatan yang sistematik boleh diulang dan menggunakan data dan maklumat yang membolehkan pembelajaran. Pendekatan adalah sistematik sekiranya ia mengandungi peluang untuk dinilai, ditambahbaik, inovasi dan berkongsi pengetahuan, yang dapat menunjukkan proses yang lebih matang.
PENGGUNAAN YANG MELUAS (Deployment) Maklumat deployment perlu menjelaskan bagaimana pendekatan dilaksana di bahagian-bahagian dalam organisasi (sebar luas atau menyeluruh). Ia boleh ditunjukkan dalam bentuk jadual. 6
PEMBELAJARAN (Learning) Proses-proses seharusnya mengandungi kitaran penilaian dan penambahbaikan, yang mempunyai keupayaan untuk berubah dengan signifikan. Penambahbaikan proses seharusnya dikongsi dengan unit-unit yang relevan di dalam organisasi bagi membolehkan pembelajaran organisasi. 7
INTEGRASI (Integration) Integrasi menunjukkan penjajaran dan pengharmonian antara proses-proses, perancangan, ukuran-ukuran, tindakan-tindakan, dan hasil yang menghasilkan keberkesanan dan kecekapan organisasi. 8
(Importance of results) Elemen KeEmpat (Importance of results) Hasil bidang utama yang penting kepada pencapaian misi organisasi tidak dilaporkan. Hasil beberapa bidang utama yang penting kepada pencapaian misi organisasi dilaporkan. Tiada atau sedikit prestasi pencapaian dilaporkan Hasil kebanyakkan bidang utama yang penting kepada pencapaian misi organisasi dilaporkan. Tiada atau sedikit prestasi pencapaian dilaporkan Hasil kebanyakkan pencapaian PTJ memenuhi keperluan pelanggan/pelajar dan proses. Terdapat laporan jangkaan (projections) beberapa hasil pencapaian tinggi. Hasil kebanyakkan pencapaian PTJ memenuhi keperluan pelanggan/pelajar,proses dan keperluan pelan tindakan. Terdapat juga laporan jangkaan (projections) untuk pencapaian masa depan. Keseluruhan hasil pencapaian PTJ memenuhi keperluan pelanggan/pelajar,proses dan keperluan pelan tindakan. Terdapat juga laporan jangkaan (projections) untuk pencapaian masa depan.
Penilaian Hasil & Inovasi Empat elemen penting hasil Tahap Prestasi (Le) Tren (T) Perbandingan (C) Kepentingan/ Important (I) The scoring of responses to Criteria Items and Award applicant feedback is based on two evaluation dimensions: (1) Process and (2) Results. Criteria users need to furnish information relating to both. A further look at the two dimensions follows. Approach refers to the methods used to accomplish the process the appropriateness of the methods to the Item requirements the effectiveness of your use of the methods the degree to which the approach is repeatable and based on reliable data and information (i.e., systematic) Deployment refers to the extent to which your approach is applied in addressing Item requirements relevant and important to your organization your approach is applied consistently your approach is used by all appropriate work units Learning refers to refining your approach through cycles of evaluation and improvement encouraging breakthrough change to your approach through innovation sharing of refinements and innovation with other relevant work units and processes in your organization Integration refers to the extent to which your approach is aligned with your organizational needs as identified in other Criteria Item requirements your measures, information, and improvement systems are complementary across processes and work units your plans, processes, results, analyses, learning, and actions are harmonized across processes and work units to support organization-wide goals 12
PENILAIAN HASIL (RESULTS) Performance Level (KPI) Tahap Pencapaian Pencapaian berbanding sebelumnya Pelunjuran (Extrapolation) Sasaran (Target) Perbandingan (Comparison) Skala Pencapaian setiap proses
PENGUKURAN HASIL (RESULTS) Trends (Tren pencapaian penambahbaikan) CGPA Pelajar Peratus kegagalan Arah dan kecerunan lwn masa Kitaran masa
PENGUKURAN HASIL (RESULTS) Comparison Perbandingan Perbandingan angka yang bermakna Perbandingan yang relevan Perbandingan dalaman Perbandingan dgn IPTA lain (External Benchmarking) Peringkat antarabangsa Antara Program Antara Bahagian Antara Kampus Purata Industri IPTA Benchmark
PENGUKURAN HASIL (RESULTS) Importance Kepentingan/keutamaan Semua hasil proses utama dinyatakan mengikut segmen Contoh: segmen pelajar, pihak berkepentingan, sumber, proses, program pengajian. - Data yang dinilai adalah penting kepada organisasi
Results Presentation Formats Terbaik Buruk Hodoh 17
7.1a-1: Kadar Kesilapan Benchmark HEP Kompetitor A Competitor B 100 95 90 Pesaing Terbaik 85 % Tanpa Kesilapan 80 Kompetitor A Purata 75 Competitor B Improvement 70 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Source -- Total Quality Inc. -- 2008 -- 18
7.1a-1: Kadar Kesilapan Benchmark 100 Pesaing 80 Purata 60 % Tanpa Kesilapan 40 20 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Improvement Benchmark HEP Pesaing A Pesaing B Source -- Total Quality Inc. -- 2008 19
7.1a-1: Kadar Kesilapan Year 2001 97.5 85.7 75 2002 97.6 90.7 77.5 % Tanpa Kesilapan Benchmark HEP Year Pesaing A Pesaing B 2001 97.5 85.7 75 2002 97.6 90.7 77.5 2003 97.7 93.3 80 71 2004 96.9 95 82.5 74 2005 97.7 95.3 85 76.7 2006 97.9 95.4 87.5 78 2007 98 95.8 90 84 Note: 2008 Purata Industri = 25% Kesilapan Source -- Total Quality Inc. -- 2008 20