Using the online Collections Textbook Lesson 1- getting affiliated with the functions, keys, and possibilities! Introduction- Interactive Lesson (Writing – Using Text Evidence)
DATA update: All students have been called to my desk for a one-on- one conference to receive: 5th grade FSA scores 5th grade pre/post Level Set 6th grade Level Set baseline Scores needed on FSA and Level Set by the end of the year A Lexile Letter from Achieve was sent home with students to give to parents to inform parents where your child started the year and what their goal should be for the end of the year.
To get to the online textbook: Go to
Click on Popular Links
Click on Blended Learning
This page will appear. SCROLL DOWN
Click on My.hrw
Hit login (but they don’t usually have to log in again)
The students dashboard will look like this The students dashboard will look like this. They have three main yellow folders. This folder has all the stories, poems, plays, and other works we will read. It has a Table of Contents, a place to take notes, and even an audio option to read aloud to students. This folder has interactive lessons we complete in class, but can also be done independently and at home for a review or more practice. We also have used the “Student Resources” folder, clicked on Grammar Notes, then View all Grammar Notes lesson, and completed a Lesson 18: Using Quotation Marks (We went through the lesson, discussed examples, paused to practice, reviewed answer, did an exit slip, and finished with an “On You Own” activity to shoe mastery. So far, we have gone into the Interactive Lessons folder and clicked on Using Textual Evidence and completed the “Introduction” lesson, where we also practiced summarizing the main idea of each paragraph in addition to the other features and skills.
Interactive lessons folder We clicked here.
We then completed the Introduction in class together.
We will go over Paraphrasing and Quoting next.
We will end with synthesizing and summarizing We will end with synthesizing and summarizing. (I’ll teach a mini-lesson on writing a “gist” statement.