Project Lead the Way at Cass Lake Bena High School Researcher: Mr. Christopher Conway
High School Demographics Student population: Average 200 students Native American Students: 85% Free and Reduced lunches: 85% Homeless students: 20% College Bound graduates: Average 50%
PLTW courses offered IED- Introduction to Engineering Design BioTech- Bio Technology POE- Principals of Engineering EDD- Design and Modeling
Sequence of PLTW courses Geometry A Geometry B Inter. Algebra A Freshman (9th) Sophomore (10th) Biotechnical Engineering A Biotechnical Engineering B Biotechnical Engineering C Geometry and IED have been aligned and are taken concurrently. Biotech meets requirements for Biology credit. Intro to Engineering Design Principles of Engineering Junior (11th) Engineering Design & Development Senior (12th) POE meets requirements for Physics credit
2010 Graduates Factors: IDG grant affect Block Schedule 07-08
2010 Graduation Rate Students graduation rate that took at least one PLTW course: 67% Overall graduation rate: 75%
2010 Graduates GPA Students average GPA that took at least one PLTW course: 3.2 Overall average GPA: 2.83
2011 Graduation Rate Students graduation rate that took at least one PLTW course: 42.5% Overall graduation rate: 2.85%
2011 Graduates GPA Students average GPA that took at least one PLTW course: 2.83 Overall average GPA: 2.85
2012 Graduation Rate Students graduation rate that took at least one PLTW course: 90% Overall graduation rate: 77.8%
2012 Graduates GPA Students average GPA that took at least one PLTW course: 3.1 Overall average GPA: 2.8
10-12 Combined Graduation Rate Students graduation rate that took at least one PLTW course: 70% Overall graduation rate: 78%
10-12 Combined Graduate GPA Students average GPA that took at least one PLTW course: 2.99 Overall class GPA: 2.76
Future During the 2011-2012 school year the students that started the STEM track are identified and have agreed to the track of courses based on their aptitudes. Departmental advancement Renewed commitment to PLTW from the school district Increasing interest in Technology Courses Effects of PLTW take time