Langston Hughes By: Shania Myers
What About Langston Hughes Full Name: James Mercer Langston Hughes Innovator of the form jazz poetry. Born: February 1, 1902, Joplin, MO Died: May 22, 1967, New York City, NY Studied: Lincoln University (1926–1929), Columbia University (1921–1922)
3T’s for “The Negro Speaks Of Rivers” Theme: Poem speaks of the amount of time he has been around. The Wise men does not grow old but ripens. Tone: Mellow and knowledgeable about who Langston Hughes was, what the has been through. Technique: 5 stanza’s Mood Anaphora
3T’s for “The Weary Blues” Theme: No matter how alone you feel there will always be something there for you even if its as simple as playing the blues. Tone: Pretty drowsy not very uplifting. It gives the reader the blues. Technique: Imagery 1 big stanza Anaphora
3T’s for “I,Too” Theme: Don’t let anyone bring you down because everyone will have their time to shine. Tone: Very uplifting and gives everyone a chance to feel hope. Technique: 5 stanza’s Point of view Anaphora
Connection Harlem Renaissance Langston Hughes Artistic African American movement during the 1920’s to celebrate black life and culture. Influenced by his life in New York City’s Harlem. Important writer and thinker of the Harlem Renaissance Strong sense of racial pride Literary worked helped shape American Lit and Politics. Poetry condemned injustice and racism. Celebrated African American culture, humor and spirituality Promoted equality