Welcome Back 8th graders & parents Mr. Perkins 8th Grade S.S. Orientation begins... Now!
MR. Perkins 1st rule of order
Mr. Perkins 2nd rule of order
Mr. Perkins 3rd rule of order
Mr. Perkins 4th rule of order
Mr. Perkins 5th rule of order
Mr. Perkins 6th rule of order No Sunflower seeds
Mr. Perkins 7th rule of order
Mr. Perkins 8th Rule of order
MR. Perkins 9th rule of order
Mr. Perkins 10th rule of order
What will I be doing this year?
Classroom Supplies You may use the stapler, hole puncher, and tape in a respectful manner for your school work only – no making origami Please do not help yourself to anything on the teacher’s desk or overhead table (unless told to do so). Our classroom does have extra crayons, markers, glue etc.. For your use. You must ask permission to use these items and they must be returned to their proper place when done
Folders Your folders will be kept in the room at all times your own tray or shelf in your pd. Each of you will be assigned a label for your name You will retrieve your folder at the beginning of class You will put away your folder in alphabetical order at the end of class Let’s practice
Folders Your Folder will match a chapter in the book. Ch 17-25 Name Chapter title Time Period Use a sharpie or label from me! Get one now!
Be on Time Class starts before the bell rings There is a specific routine for entering the classroom The specific procedure is located on the bulletin board near the door. You are expected to follow this procedure daily with no exceptions.
Tardy to class Excused: Enter room quietly Hand the teacher your pass Gather any materials Have a seat quickly and quietly Begin working Unexcused: Enter room quietly Gather any materials Have a seat quickly and quietly Begin working
Not following the guidelines or rules will result in but are not limited to: Warning Detention—Lunch or ASD Seat Moved Referral See Me After Class Planning Room Apology Suspension Responsible thinking meeting
Severe Clause Any student who uses profanity, fights or damages school property (this includes property of teacher and other students) or is disrespectful (as defined by teacher) will be Dealt with immediately and a phone call home will be made.
Class Dismissal Leaving the room The teacher dismisses you NOT the bell. Do not start packing up before the bell. Do not line up at the door and wait for the bell You take what you bring – our classroom floor and room are not your lockers Wait until the teacher finishes and officially dismisses you with: “Have a nice day!”
When can I…? Throw things in the garbage? Sharpen my pencil? Any time when I am not teaching, preferably at the end of class Garbage cans are located by the door and by my desk Sharpen my pencil? At beginning of class When I’m not teaching Electric sharpeners in the back of room Manual sharpeners in the front room on bookcase DON”T empty your sharpeners on the floor You can use your own sharpeners anytime
Grading Policy Homework/Classwork its worth 25% of overall grade its cumulative If assignment is complete and correct students will receive check. A check = 1pt Participation its worth 15% of overall grade its cumulative and averaged Participation ranges from doing assignments to asking questions.
Grading Policy Quizzes each quiz is worth 10% and averaged together to make 10 % of overall grade. There are no make ups or extra credit. All grades are final Tests Each test is out of 100 All tests are averaged together to make 50% of overall grade. If you fail the test you make come in during tutoring hours and correct the test to get an automatic 65!!!
Students will Engage in dialogue and critical thinking during the year. Problem solve Learn to take notes from oral discussions. Prepare themselves for the State test in May engage in current event analysis
Expected Behavior
Is in the room before the bell rings
When the teacher is done stand behind desk, tuck your chair in and wait for teacher dismissal
Teacher Warning
Teacher Phone Call to Parent Conference with student
Refer to Administrator
Respect the Teacher, Staff, and other students Including no teasing or cursing
Follows all directions and safety procedures
Does not sleep in class
Stays in assigned seat.
Does not eat or drink in class
Does not display or use cell phone or electronic devices in class
Keep your hands to your self. Hands off Property or persons.