The Narrative describes Douglas’ life from early childhood until his escape from slavery in 1838 It became an instant bestseller in America as well as in Europe, where it was translated into French and German. Despite its critical and popular acclaim, however, it was met with skepticism by proslavery Americans, who could not believe that such a brilliant account could be produced by a slave with no formal education. Some thought that the text was a clever counterfeit document produced by abolitionists and passed off as Douglass’ writing.
Slavery in America 1609-1865
Doorway of no return 3 1 1 Middle Passage El Mino Slave Castle Ghana 2
CHAPTER 1 Like other autobiographies, Douglass chooses to begin his story by telling when and where he was born. Yet, this is impossible since slave owners keep slaves ignorant about their age and parentage in order to strip them of their identities Slaves reduced to the level of animals: “Slaves know as little of their ages as horses know of theirs”
Origins Slavery has existed since the beginning of human history. People were enslaved for a number of reasons some of which include; being captured in battle, owing a debt or being born to slave parents. The word “slave” comes from the Slavic people of eastern Europe who were conquered so often that the their name became synonymous with servitude. Most cultures around the world have practiced slavery in one form or another.
Middle Passage The leg of the Atlantic slave trade that transported African people from Africa to slave markets in the Americas. It was called the Middle Passage because it was the second of the three part triangle trade route. Slaves were packed tightly on ships, shackled and fed very little for the 3-5 month journey. About 18 million Africans were transported between 1600 and 1800, with about 3 million dying on the way.
Arrival in America Native Americans were originally enslaved by the Europeans, but after many died from diseases, they began importing African slaves who were resistant to European diseases. The first African slaves arrived in America on a Portuguese ship at Jamestown, VA in 1609. Prior to arrival in America slaves were usually fed better in order to make them look healthy. Slaves were auctioned off to plantation owners and businessmen from the city and performed a variety of tasks. Slave Auction
Slave Codes Slave codes were laws meant to control slaves. These codes forbid slaves from learning to read, owning firearms, or marrying a white person. The penalty a slave faced for learning to read was having a thumb cut off! These laws also made the children born to slaves automatically slaves for life (generational slavery). Slave tags, similar to dog tags were worn by slaves. This slave collar was equipped with bells. A slave yolk was used to bind two slaves together. Captured African slave The ends of a whip were tipped with iron barbs
Southern account of Turner’s rebellion. Slaves Resisted!! Slaves didn’t just sit back and accept a life of servitude Slaves resisted in a number of ways including; escaping, slowing down on the job, intentionally doing a job wrong or participating in violent rebellion. One of the most famous slave revolts occurred in Virginia. A slave named Nat Turner led 70 other slaves in the killing of 55 white men, women and children. Turner and his men were later captured and hung. Slaves also resisted by singing spirituals, or religious folk songs that often contained coded messages. Slave spirituals led to the creation of both jazz and the blues. Nat Turner Southern account of Turner’s rebellion. Reward Poster
The Underground Railroad The Underground Railroad was a large network of people who helped fugitive slaves escape to the North and to Canada. It is estimated that up to 100,000 slaves escaped the South with the help of “conductors”, or guides. The most famous of these guides was Harriet Tubman. Slaves escaping North would use a series of “stations”, or safe houses to rest in along the route. The paths that slaves traveled towards the North were known as “tracks”. While slavery was outlawed in the North, escaping slaves were not truly free until they reached Canada. Harriet Tubman Lawn Jockeys were used to mark stations on the underground railroad. This quilt shows the track pattern which told escaped slaves that this was a “station”, or safe place.
Wheatley’s Burlington Holden House Jersey City Croft Farm Cherry Hill Peter Mott House Lawnside Bethel AME Church Greenwich Township * In 1745 there were about 4,000 slaves in New Jersey, mostly in the southern part of the state.
The Abolition of Slavery From 1861-1865 Americans in the North and South fought the Civil War over the issue of slavery. A total of more than 600,000 people on both sides died. In January of 1863, President Lincoln made clear that he sought to end the institution of slavery when he signed the Emancipation Proclamation. After the war, the thirteenth amendment to the Constitution was added ending slavery in the U.S. Slavery had been abolished in New Jersey since 1804. Lee surrendering to Grant Emancipation Proclamation