Anne of Austria
Maria Teresa, Infanta of Spain
The Official Mistresses Marquise de Maintenon Louise de la Vallière Marquise de Montespan
Versailles Hall of Mirrors
The Coronation “Our coronation does not make us kings, but it displays our royalty to the people and makes it more august in us.” -- Louis XIV
Appearance The king's great qualities shone more brilliantly by reason of an exterior so unique and incomparable as to lend infinite distinction to his slightest actions; the very figure of a hero, so impregnated with a natural but most imposing majesty that it appeared even in his most insignificant gestures and movements, without arrogance but with simple gravity; proportions such as a sculptor would choose to model; a perfect countenance and the grandest air and mien ever vouchsafed to man. -- Duc de Saint Simon
Symbolism Louis IV as Apollo (Sun God) Equestrian statue of Louis IV (classical style)
Court Entertainments Fireworks Opera performance
The Royal Bedchamber