Date: Friday, 21 September 2018 Key Question: Why do some people believe in God and other people do not? Starter: On your whiteboard, write down your 5 most challenging keywords to test your neighbour. Swap whiteboards and write the definitions of the keywords. 15
Skim / Scan / Summarise Last week you completed the marketplace activity for the Believing in God unit. Consolidate your learning by completing the table. Remember to keep your notes concise. You could include: Key words Key religious quotes & teachings Symbols to help you remember
Quiz How do Christians respond to scientific explanations for the creation of the world? What is the Causation argument and how does it lead to a belief in God? How can unanswered prayers lead people to not believe in God? How do Christians explain unanswered prayers? How does the symbolism of a watch lead some people to believe in God?
Matters of life and death Revision. What do I need to know for matters of life and death? Abortion Euthanasia Life after death in Christianity and Islam Homework Revise abortion & euthanasia for assessment next lesson
Matters of Life and Death Abortion Euthanasia Life after death
What is abortion? When do you think life begins? Conception? When the baby is capable of living outside the womb? At birth? Make sure you explain the reasons for your answer. Is it possible to hold more than one opinion?
What does the law say about abortion? 1967 Abortion Act. 2 or more doctors consent: Mental/physical health of woman/existing children at risk. When child is born it will be severely mentally/physically handicapped. 28 weeks 1990 Abortion Act 24 weeks
Describe and explain the Christian teaching on the issue of abortion. Wrong: Life is holy & belongs to God. Only God has the right to end a life. Sanctity of life. Life begins at conception (catholic) 10 Commandments: “Do not kill.” Every person has a right to life.
But… What if the mother was raped? What if the mother will die if she continues the pregnancy? What if the baby will be severely disabled or deformed? Not all Christians believe life begins at conception. Sanctity of life is broken in Just War, why not abortion? Adoption is an option.
Describe Muslim teaching on the issue of abortion. Life is sacred/sanctity of life. Allah creates life, only he can end it. Many allow abortion if mother’s life is at stake. Taking of the life of a child is a sin. Young children at judgement will have the right to know why they were killed. Permitted up to 120 days of pregnancy. At 120 days the baby receives its soul. (ensoulment) Not permitted after this. Shari’ah states life of mother takes precedence over child. But… some say NO: - Soul given at conception. - Qur’an bans murder.
Sanctity of life: The belief that life is sacred and belongs to God Sanctity of life: The belief that life is sacred and belongs to God. Sacred: Holy
What is the Christian teaching on the issue of sanctity of life and euthanasia? Only God can take life as He created it. Only He decides when people die. Sanctity of life. Life is precious/holy/sacred. Life is a gift from God. 10 Commandments “Do not kill.” Euthanasia is murder. Bile bans suicide. If brain dead and switch off life support machine – accepting what God has already decided. If give painkillers to reduce pain and it wasn’t your intention to kill then it isn’t wrong.
Outline the teaching of Islam on Sanctity of Life and euthanasia. Allah created life therefore only he can end it. No one has the right to take theirs or anyone else’s life. Life is precious/holy/scared. Life is a gift from God. To take life (euthanasia/suicide/abortion) is a sin. Qur’an says murder is wrong. Every soul created by Allah. Life is a test, to end life early is cheating in this test. (hell) But…Some Muslim lawyers agree that if the person is already brain dead then it is acceptable to turn off the machine. The person is already dead So Allah has already taken their life.
Pass the question… “Explain why some Christians accept abortion” Write your first paragraph (P.E.E.L) Pass clockwise to your neighbour Write a second paragraph (P.E.E.L) Pass clockwise to your neighbour Write a third paragraph (P.E.E.L) Pass clockwise to your neighbour Check over the answer. Are the three paragraphs developed enough? Make sure that you can get 8 marks
Explain why euthanasia is a controversial issue. Choose one religion other than Christianity and explain how their beliefs about life after death affect the way they live their lives. (June 2012) Explain why euthanasia is a controversial issue.