Constitution ARTICLE I Name The Name of the organization shall be The Health Studies Student Society (HSSS). ARTICLE II Purpose The purpose of the Health Studies Student Society is to raise awareness of the Health Studies Program at Utica College. Our goal is to unite the allied health programs within the School of Health Professions at Utica College by offering educational programs that benefit the mission of health care professional students at Utica College as well as to reach out to the community at large.
Plan educational activities that promote our mission. Participate in and organize campus functions. Reach out to the community by providing assistance to the community at large. ARTICLE III Membership Section 1: The organization is open to all students. Section 2: Any student may assist the HSSS at events, on and off campus. A student does not need to be an executive board member of the HSSS to assist with planning and executing events that the HSSS sponsors.
ARTICLE IV Officers Section 1: The order of the officers shall be: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Public Relations Coordinator. Section 2: Elections shall be held every year at the beginning of the Spring semester. Section 3: In order to run for President of the HSSS, the interested student(s) must have obtained an overall 2.5 grade point average. Section 4: Voting shall be by secret ballot and elections shall be decided by a simple majority vote. Section 5: The counting of votes shall take place immediately after the ballots have been casted. The designated faculty advisor will tally the votes in front of the members following the vote.
ARTICLE V Duties of the Officers President: Shall call and preside over all the meetings. Shall have power to render emergency decisions. Be a student liaison. Shall act as the official representative of the HSSS. Vice President: Shall assume the duties of the President in the event of the president’s absence.
Will give a brief synopsis of previous meetings Secretary: Will give a brief synopsis of previous meetings Will arrange the meeting room. Will take minutes of each meeting. Will keep attendance at each meeting. Will organize all information in an organized binder. Treasurer: Shall keep an accurate account of all financial transactions of HSSS. Shall be responsible for all income and outcome expenses. Expedite fund raising initiatives for the HSSS.
Public Relations Coordinator In charge of advertising date and time of meetings and events that the HSSS sponsors. Responsible for updating the Health Studies Board on a Monthly basis. ARTICLE VI Meetings Section 1: The Health Studies Student Society shall meet twice a month at a designated time and place arranged by the Secretary.
ARTICLE VII Advisor(s) Section 1: The faculty advisor shall attend a minimum of one meeting per month. ARTICLE VIII Method of Amendment Section 1: These bylaws shall be amended by majority vote of the active members.