PERSONALITY “ The unique, dynamic organization of characteristics of a particular person, physical and psychological which influence behaviour and responses to the social and physical environment. Of these characteristics, some will be entirely unique to the specific person and others will be shared with a few, many or all other people”
NATURE OF PERSONALITY Reflects individual differences Consistent and enduring Can change
THEORIES OF PERSONALITY Freudian Theory Psychoanalytic theory built on unconscious needs (sexual, biological) that are the heart of human motivation and personality Reflections of childhood experiences, analysis of dreams, physical and metal adjustment problems Three interacting systems ID: primitive and impulsive drive Superego : defines what is right, good Ego : conscious control, realistic thinking, balance
The ID : Let loose concept / pleasure benefit “Harley Davidson”
The Superego : Being socially accepted by satisfying own needs “Riders Jeans”
The Ego : Realistic thinking “Dove”
THEORIES OF PERSONALITY Freudian Theory (cont’d..) THEORIES OF PERSONALITY Id System 1 Ego System 3 GRATIFICATION Superego System 2
THEORIES OF PERSONALITY Freudian Theory (cont’d..) :Stages Of Personality Development Oral Stage Anal Stage Phallic Stage Latency Stage Genital Stage
THEORIES OF PERSONALITY Freudian Theory (cont’d..) - Marketing applications Human drives are primarily unaware true reasons for buying what they buy Marketers tend to focus on consumer purchases/consumption as reflection of consumer personality
Snack Food Personality Traits Potato Chips Ambitious, successful, high achiever, impatient with less than the best Tortilla chips Perfectionist, high expectations, punctual, conservative, responsible Pretzels Lively, easily bored with same old routine, flirtatious, intuitive, overcommits to projects Snack crackers Rational,logical, contemplative, shy, prefers time alone Cheese curls Conscientious, principled, proper, fair, may appear rigid but has great integrity, plans ahead, loves order Nuts Easygoing, emphathetic, understanding, even-tempered Popcorn Takes charge, pitches in often, modest, self-confident but not a show off Meat snacks Gregarious, generous, trustworthy, tends to be overly trusting Source: Alan Hirsch, MD , What Flavor is Your Personality? Discover Who You Are by Looking at What You Eat
NEO FREUDIAN PERSONALITY THEORY Adler viewed human beings as seeking to attain various goals Sullivan suggest people continuously attempt to establish significant and rewarding relationships with others Karen Horney focused on impact of child-parent relationship Compliant individuals are those who move toward others Aggressive individuals move against others Detached individuals move away from others
TRAIT THEORY Defined as any distinguishing/enduring way one individual differs from another Also known as tendency to respond (in thought or action) in a similar fashion Trait Theories provide marketers with a better understanding of how consumers respond to marketing stimuli
TRAIT THEORY The `Big Five’ Model: Neuroticism Extroversion Openness to experience Agreeableness Conscientiousness
PERSONALITY AND CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR Consumer Innovativeness Consumers are likely to try new products or services Consumer Dogmatism Trait of rigidity we display towards those that are unfamiliar or to information contrary to our established beliefs A dogmatic person approaches the unfamiliar defensively with discomfort and uncertainty
PERSONALITY AND CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR Consumer social character Focuses on the identification and classification of social types Inner directness or other directness Need for uniqueness - Avoiding conformity, accepting criticism
PERSONALITY AND CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR Consumer susceptibility to interpersonal influence Need to identify with or enhance one’s image in the opinion of others Optimum stimulation level - Variations in need for stimulation may be influenced by selected personality traits
PERSONALITY AND CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR Variety seeking Exploratory purchase behaviour Vicarious exploration Use innovativeness Cognitive personality factors Visualizers vs Verbalizers Visualizers are consumers who prefer visual information and products that stress the visual Verbalizers prefer written of verbal information of products Need for cognition (NFC) - Measure a person’s craving for or enjoyment of thinking
Ads that stresses strong visual dimensions to attract visualizers “Johnson and Johnson: For places your toothbrush have not reached in a long time”
PERSONALITY AND CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR Locus of Control Some individuals believe that they can control the outcomes by their own actions and personal abilities Other believe external fate, luck or chance control their destiny
PERSONALITY AND CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR Self-monitoring Some individuals are more aware of external environmental cues and will adjust their behaviour in a manner they believe is socially appropriate Uncertainty orientation - Distinction between individuals who actively seek clarity and information about themselves vs. those who do not wish to change
SELF AND SELF-IMAGES We all have an image of ourself as a certain kind of person, with certain habits, possessions relationships and ways of behaving Four specific kinds of self-image Actual self-image Ideal self-image Social self-image Ideal social self-image
THE EXTENDED SELF Relationship between consumers’ self-image with their posessions Consumers define, confirm or extend self-images Allowing someone to do something different Making a person feel better Conferring feelings of immortality Conferring `magical powers’
The Extended Self : “Pantene” , using the product as if it can help your hair grow like `Rapunzel’
ALTERING THE SELF Consumers wish to change themselves, modify their appearance Consumers are frequently attempting express their individualism or uniqueness by creating a new self (i.e. make-over)
Altering the self- “Dove – Unstick Your Style”
BRAND PERSONALITY Consumers tend to ascribe various descriptions of a brands in a “personality-like” way Brand personality is inferred by the set of humans that endorses them Also influenced by by advertising price, logo, brand name, style
Brand Personality: “Rolex - Ekaterina Gordeeva – A Kind of Magic”