SCHAEFFER’S CULTURAL APOLOGETIC: Background and Orientation Donald T Williams, PhD Toccoa Falls College
SCHAEFFER’S CULTURAL APOLOGETIC: Background and Orientation Donald T Williams, PhD Toccoa Falls College
“True education means thinking by association across the disciplines, and not just being qualified in one field.” F.A.S., The God Who is There
Schaeffer’s Life: Chronology 1912: Born 1930: Converted by reading Bible 1935 Grad. Hampden-Sidney College Married Edith Seville Entered Westminster Seminary 1938 Grad. Faith Seminary Ordained in Bible Presbyterian Church First Pastorate in Grove City, PA.
Fundamentalism: The 5 Fundamentals The Inspiration/Inerrancy of Scripture The Deity of Christ The Historicity of NT Miracles The Virgin Birth of Christ The Literal, Bodily Resurrection The Necessity of Blood Atonement A Literal, Personal Second Coming
Fundamentalism: the Problem Separation: To Stay or Leave? Secondary Separationism Rise of “Neo-Evangelicalism” Schaeffer’s Choices > Bible Presbyterian Church (hardliners) > P.C.E.S. > P.C.A.
Schaeffer’s Life: Chronology 1947: Traveled to Europe w. Ind. Board for Presbyterian Missions 1948: Moved to Lausanne, Switzerland as missionaries with Children for Christ 1951: Spiritual Crisis over lack of love in the Separatist Movement 1953-54: Furlough in U.S.
Schaeffer’s Life: Chronology 1955: Resigned from Mission; Began L’Abri in Huemoz, Switzerland 1968: Published The God Who is There 1974: Began work on How Should We Then Live 1984: Died of cancer in Rochester, MN., May 15
Schaeffer’s Thought: 4 Principles Christianity is Truth. Christian Truth touches all of life: “The lordship of Christ over the total culture.” Christian life & witness must show the whole character of God: “holiness and love.” The truth of Christianity must be demonstrated both intellectually and practically through a life of faith.
Schaeffer’s Thought: Upper/Lower Storey Grace: God, Heaven, the Supernatural, Universals, Meaning, Faith (a rational trust) Nature: Man, Earth, the Natural World, Particulars, Facts, Reason (obedient to Revelation)
Christianity Absolute Universal GOD Eternity Meaning (reality) Christ Relative Particular MAN Time Facts
Secularism No Absolutes No GOD No Meaning (no reality) (reality) Relativism MAN Facts/Data
Schaeffer’s Thought: Upper/Lower Storey The non-rational/non-logical Universals; Meaning Irrational Mysticism: the “leap of faith” The rational and logical Particulars; Facts Reason, Science, Man as a machine
Schaeffer’s Thought: “The Line of Despair” Philosophy Art_ Music General Culture Theology
Schaeffer’s Thought: Evaluation Critique: Schaeffer as “Pseudo-Intellectual” His disciples have sometimes contributed Over-Simplifications Thomas Aquinas Renaissance vs. Secular Humanism
Schaeffer’s Thought: Evaluation Response: Schaeffer as Popularizer Forest vs. Trees Asks the right Questions General Analysis is Sound Flow of History Importance of Presuppositions Nature of Christian Truth Claims
How Should We Then Watch? Overlook hoky cinematic techniques Look for applications of ideas covered here Use as framework for integration of other courses, reading, etc. Digest Before Regurgitating Discuss as ongoing project
F.A.S., The Great Evangelical Disaster “What we need in the light of the accommodation which surrounds us is a generation of radicals for truth and Christ.” F.A.S., The Great Evangelical Disaster