What Is GPP and How Can It Help Me? Dr. Josh Funk, DPT, PRC, CSCS Owner of Rehab 2 Perform
Who Am I? Maryland Resident Multi-Sport Upbringing in a Competitive Household College and Professional Lacrosse Lifelong Athlete and Lifelong Learner Owner of Rehab 2 Perform Performance Physical Therapist
What is GPP? General Physical Preparation, also know as General Physical Preparedness Lays the groundwork for later Specific Physical Preparation, or SPP. General physical activity to higher level performance qualities later on Emphasis on bodyweight competency before using external load
Why Is GPP Valuable? Overemphasis on Sports Specifics Overemphasis on Bigger, Faster Stronger Less P.E. Less Recess Less Active Population with Regards to Free Play
Soft-Tissue Foam Roll -> PVC Pipe Tennis Ball -> Lacrosse Ball Glutes Quads Calves Mid-Back (Foam Roll Only) Tennis Ball -> Lacrosse Ball Shoulders Forearms
Static Flexibility (Inhibition) Modified Pigeon Pose Back on Wall with Leg Cross Step Stretch Single Arm Hang Overhead Hang Prayer Pose
Activation (Control) Bridge Variations Hinge Variations Wall Drills Double Single Single with Leg Straight Hinge Variations Airplane Wall Drills Sagittal Lateral/Transverse
Locomotion Jog/Backpedal Skip Forward/Backward Shuffle Lateral Skip Cross Over/Under Skip Carioca Skip Close/Open the Gate Skips
Dynamic Flexibility Knee Hug Lunge Figure 4 Heel-Toe Reach Leg Swing Forearm Down With Reach Figure 4 Heel-Toe Reach Leg Swing Sagittal Frontal Quad Walk (2 Variations) Lunge Variations Lateral Cross Under Spiderman
Landing Drills Single Same (Ipsilateral) Double Push Alternating Sideways Rotate 90 degrees Same (Ipsilateral) Double Push Agility Ladder (or Open) Icky Shuffle and Stick Cross Over and Stick Cross Under and Stick
Bounds Double Single Half Kneel Load and Explode Hip Flip Sagittal 90 degrees Load and Explode Stationary Step Hip Flip
Medicine Ball Throws Step Back Forward-Backward Figure 8 Cross Behind Cross Under Away-Towards Crow Hop Progression
Sprint Progressions Falling Start Split Squat ISO Start Half Kneel Start Mountain Climber Push-Up Starts
Bodyweight Strength Push-Ups Pull-Ups Bodyweight Rows Elevated Hands Elevated Feet Pull-Ups Bands Bodyweight Rows Bar TRX
Bodyweight Movement Bear Crawls Bear Hold Bear Movement Get-Ups Lift Opposites Bear Movement Knee to Elbow Kick-Outs Get-Ups Windmills
End Product Return to Sport Education and Empowerment Appreciation for Tendency Wolverine Confident Adaptable Resilient Ready for Any Situation
Connect With Me DRJoshFunk@GMAIL.com @Josh_Funk on IG or Twitter