Map of Nigeria depicting the various ancient cultures
Ife: Origins of Art and Civilization Art consists of objects in Terracotta, Leaded Brass, & Stone --objects date to 1000-500 BP (1000-1500AD) -art created for the ruling elite Style elements: Idealized naturalism Striation on the face Slightly elongated necks, with rolls of fat Careful modeling Heavily beaded figures with elaborate headdresses Full length figures and busts
Head of an Ooni (probably used in kingship rituals) Ife, (Yoruba) Nigeria Leaded brass 800-500 BP
Head of an Ooni (used in annual ritual of renewal) Ife, (Yoruba) Nigeria Leaded Brass (Zinc brass) 800-500 BP
Mask depicting Obalufon Patron and eponymous ancestors Of brass casters Ife (Yoruba) Nigeria Copper—leaded brass 700-500 BP
Seated Figure from Tada, Ife, Yoruba, Nigeria 700-500 BP (13th-15th cent.)
Figure of an Ooni in ceremonial regalia Ife (Yoruba) Nigeria Leaded Brass—Zinc Brass 800-500 BP
Entwined Royal Couple, Ife, Nigeria Leaded Brass 12th -15th Cent.
Ceremonial vessel with female form Ife (Yoruba) Nigeria Leaded brass 900-800 BP (11th/12th Century)
Royal Usurper Lajuwa, Ife (Yoruba) Nigeria, Terracotta 700-500 BP
Female Figure Ife (Yoruba) Nigeria Terracotta 700-500 BP
Head of a female Ooni Ife (Yoruba) Nigeria Terracotta 800-700 BP
Pot lid in the form of a Hippopotamus, Ife (Yoruba) Nigeria, Terracotta, 700-500 BP
Head of a ritual specialist, Ife (Yoruba) Nigeria Terracotta 700-500 BP
Abstract cylindrical head depicting the inner Spiritual head—ori inu Ife (Yoruba) Nigeria Terracotta 700-600 BP
Ritual Pot Ife (Yoruba) Nigeria Terracotta 700-600 BP
Group of stylized abstract heads representing, inner spiritual head--site of personality Yoruba, (Ita Yemoo, Ife) Nigeria, terracotta, h. 13 cm(5 in); 19 cm(7.1/2 in); 16.5 cm (61/2 in) 16 cm (6 3/8 in)
Quartz stool with loop handle Ife (Yoruba) Nigeria Quartz, 900 BP
Ife was certainly a royal art Summary Ife was certainly a royal art Ife was the religious and political center of divine rulers Many of the heads were used for enthronement rituals; Second burial ceremonies; and in honor of deceased rulers; The art of Ife validates the notion: Though king and queens may die, but the institution of rulership does not die