2K Cold Box Internal Piping Flexibility Analysis


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Presentation transcript:

2K Cold Box Internal Piping Flexibility Analysis Shirley Yang LCLS-II 2K Cold Box FDR March 28, 2018

Summary This presentation addresses the analysis performed to assure the design of the LCLS II 2K Cold Box internal piping system is in accordance with ASME B31.3 Process Piping, the SLAC Cryogenic Plant Seismic Design Criteria and the ASCE 7-10 seismic code. The design goals are: No component is overstressed under any combined case scenarios. The maximum displacement on Weka valves shall not exceed the suggested maximum displacement from the supplier. For normal operation cases without seismic effect, the reaction forces and moments on cold compressor nozzles shall not exceed the allowable loads provided by Air Liquide. For transportation mode and operation with seismic effect, the cold compressor casings shall not be overstressed. LCLS II 2K Cold Box FDR – Internal Piping Analysis

3D Model with Cold Compressor Casings The casings and nozzles are modeled based on the measured or calculated dimensions. The extension necks are rigidly anchored. The control valves, female bayonets and other small pipes are anchored at the end of the vacuum jacket pipes. This model is used to check stresses and displacement of the piping system for transportation mode and the normal operation mode with seismic effect. LCLS II 2K Cold Box FDR – Internal Piping Analysis

3D Model without Cold Compressor Casings The casing nozzles are rigidly anchored. The control valves, female bayonets and other small pipes are anchored at the end of the vacuum jacket pipes. The inlet and outlet nozzles are modeled at the same elevation . This model is used to check the reaction forces and moments on cold compressor nozzles for normal operation mode without considering the seismic effect. LCLS II 2K Cold Box FDR – Internal Piping Analysis

Load Cases The following stresses are checked per ASME B31.3: Hoop stress; stress due to internal pressure Sustained stress; stress due to the sustained loads, such as pressure and weight in any component in a piping system Expansion stress; ambient / install temperature to case temperature Occasional stress; stress due to the sustained loads and earthquake / transportation acceleration The following two loads combinations are also applied to the analysis per ASCE 7-10 P + (1.0 + 0.14SDS)*D + 0.7ƿ*QE (5E) P + (0.6-0.14SDS)*D + 0.7ƿ*QE (8) P – pressure SDS – Design Spectral Acceleration (LCLSII-4.8-EN-0227-R2) ƿ – Redundancy Factor (ASCE 7-10 QE – Effects of horizontal seismic forces LCLS II 2K Cold Box FDR – Internal Piping Analysis

Load Cases – cont. Seismic Loads Applied to the Analysis Transportation Loads Combinations (include the self-weight) Case Ex (g) Ey (g) Ez (g) Temp. 1 (°F) Pressure (psi) TR1 1.5 -1 120 15 TR2 -1.5 TR3 TR4 TR5 -4 TR6 2 LCLS II 2K Cold Box FDR – Internal Piping Analysis

Operation without Seismic Effect Maximum Loads Summary – Operation without Seismic Effect Combination Maximum Stress Ratio (Calculated/Allowable) Node Load Case Hoop 0.185 AT09 Pmax Sustained 0.170 BN01 Grav. + Pmax Expansion 0.486 BP02 Amb. to design temperature T LCLS II 2K Cold Box FDR – Internal Piping Analysis

Operation without Seismic Effect – cont. Casing Inlet & Outlet Nozzle Reaction Summary LCLS II 2K Cold Box FDR – Internal Analysis

Operation without Seismic Effect – cont. Maximum Displacement Summary – Operation without Seismic Effect Combination Maximum Displacement (in) Node Load Case Hoop 1.41E-3 AT07 Max P Sustained 0.040 AY02 Grav. + Pmax Expansion 0.468 BP05 Amb to design temperature T Maximum Displacement on Control Valves – Operation Without Seismic Effect Valve Node on AutoPIPE Rmax - in lateral mm Case Allowable per WEKA mm PV41160 AV11 0.17 Thermal 1.9 PV41170 AW11 0.12 GRTP PV41565 BA04 0.09 PV41500 BP09 0.57 3 PV41212 BF07 0.43 2.5 LCLS II 2K Cold Box FDR – Internal Analysis

Operation with Seismic Effect Maximum Loads Summary – Operation without Seismic Effect   Combination Maximum Stress Ratio (Calculated/Allowable) Node Load Case Hoop 0.185 AT10 Pmax Sustained 0.220 G14 Grav. + Pmax Expansion 0.486 BP02 Amb to design temperature T Occasional 0.805 Sus. + E2 ASCE 7-10 – Earthquake 0.535 CASE2 LCLS II 2K Cold Box FDR – Internal Piping Analysis

Operation with Seismic Effect – cont. Maximum Displacement – Operation with Seismic Effect Combination Maximum Displacement (in) Node Load Case Hoop 1.40e-3 BE05 Max P Sustained 0.041 AY02 Grav. + Pmax Expansion 0.468 BP05 Amb to design temperature T Occasional 1.22 AP12 Sus. + E1 ASCE 7-10 – Earthquake 0.939 CASE1 Maximum Displacement on Control Valves – Operation with Seismic Effect Valve Node on AutoPIPE Rmax - in lateral mm Case Allowable per WEKA mm PV41160 AV11 1.68 GRTP + E10 1.9 PV41170 AW11 1.67 PV41565 BA04 1.53 GRTP + E9 PV41500 BP09 2.14 GRTP + E12 3 PV41212 BF07 0.80 GRTP + E 7 2.5 LCLS II 2K Cold Box FDR – Internal Analysis

Operation with Seismic Effect – cont. Casing Stress Hand Calculation LCLS II 2K Cold Box FDR – Internal Analysis

Amb to design temperature T2 Transportation Combination Maximum Displacement (in) Node Load Case Hoop 3.52e-4 BE05 Max P Sustained 0.040 AY02 Grav. + Pmax Expansion 0.091 BP05 Amb to design temperature T2 Occasional 1.57 AP12 Sus. + TR4 LCLS II 2K Cold Box FDR – Internal Piping Analysis

Conclusion The internal piping system is designed to meet the requirements of ASME B31.3, SLAC cryogenic plant seismic design criteria and the ASCE 7-10. Loads on cold compressor casing nozzles are less than the Air Liquide allowable loads under operating condition without considering the seismic effect. The piping stresses are within the allowable for all normal and occasional design conditions. The pipe displacements are acceptable for all normal and occasional design conditions. The displacements at the control valves under operation conditions with seismic effects are lower than the recommended maximum displacements from the vendor. LCLS II 2K Cold Box FDR – Internal Piping Analysis