Using KASES Inquiry for Child Support Income How to access KASES, and what amounts to use to calculate ongoing child support income. Searched for occurrences of Food Stamps/Benefits
Months to Use For child support, we almost always average the prior 3 months of child support received to determine the countable ongoing income. The only time the prior 3 months are not used is when these months are not representative of ongoing support. (recent change in support)
Warning! When you enter KASES, you get the IRS Security Warning Banner. Be aware KASES could contain IRS data! Just press Enter here to continue...
KASES Main Menu On this screen, choose option 05, “Accounting Functions”. Then, press Enter.
Financial Management Menu On this screen, choose option 21, “Benefit Inquiry”. Then, enter the SSN of the applicant or child. Then, press Enter. 58202XXXX
This screen lists ALL child support cases for the SSN you entered. This individual has 2 cases: one when she was a child one as the client In this example, our client has 2 children active (A) and receiving support on the current case. Select “02” to view this current case, and press Enter.
Benefit Summary Inquiry This screen shows child support that was: Sent to the client (Family) and Kept by the state (State) CSUP= Current Support; ARR= Arrearages
Benefit Summary Inquiry We use what is actually received by the Family. Use the dates shown here as the month received.
What to Consider... Use the prior 3 months, as long as they are representative of ongoing. If the application month is 2/09, we would count 11/08, 12/08, and 1/09. Here are the amounts we would consider…
Who Receives? The SSN of the child receiving support is shown here. If more than one child receives, they will be listed on the next screens. F11 to view additional screens.
Second Child Screen Notice the only difference on this screen is the SSN. This shows the child support here is for both children with the same Absent Parent (AP).
More Than One Absent Parent? Child support from each Absent Parent (if more than one) is listed in a separate column on KAMES Child Support screens. Therefore, if both parents are out of the home, we must inquire on each absent parent on KASES. Example: Children who live with their grandparents.
Child Support Reminders! We always use the prior 3 months amounts, unless they are not representative of ongoing. Child support is entered on KAMES under the child for whom it is intended. Pay close attention to the dates on KASES, and only count amounts received by the Family.
Moving Right Along! Next, please return to Blackboard, and complete the “KASES & Child Support Activity” before moving to the final Learning Session.