Why have Ethnicities been transformed into Nationalities? Ethnicity Why have Ethnicities been transformed into Nationalities?
Rise of nationalities A nationality is ____________________________. A group of people tied together to a particular place through legal status and cultural tradition Nationality and ethnicity are similar concepts in that membership in both is defined through shared cultural values. In the United States, the term nationality is generally kept reasonably distinct from ethnicity and race in common usage. Give me an example of what this means.
Rise of Nationalities Nation-States Self-determination- ethnicities have the right to govern themselves Describe the United States struggle for self-determination Nation-state is a state whose territory corresponds to that occupied by a particular ethnicity that has transformed into a nationality. Example: Denmark, France, and Germany
Rise of nationalities Nationalism- loyalty and devotion to a nationality Nationalism typically promotes a sense of national consciousness that exalts one nation above all others and emphasizes its culture and interests as opposed to those of other nations. Right now I want you to draw one thing that promotes nationalism in the United States. Don’t look at anyone else's paper. That includes you Eric. Nationalism is an important example of a centripetal force. (An attitude that tends to unify people and enhance support for a state.)
Rise of Nationalities Multinational States- a state that contains more than one ethnicity that agree to coexist peacefully by recognizing each other as distinct nationalities. Examples: Great Britian and the Soviet Union Is the United States a nation-state or a multinational state?
Why do Ethnicities Clash? Ethinicity Why do Ethnicities Clash?
Dividing Ethnicities Among More than one state Ethnic Competition to Dominate Nationality Example: Darfur (Frontline)