Rhus aromatica Fragrant Sumac Habitat native to Canada down through the United States zone 4
Rhus aromatica Fragrant Sumac Habit and Form a large open shrub or weedy tree flat-topped crown colonizes and suckers 15' to 25' tall spread is difficult to determine because it colonizes coarse texture fast growth rate
Rhus aromatica Fragrant Sumac Summer Foliage alternate leaf arrangement pinnately compound leaves leafs are 1 to 2 feet long 13 to 27 leaflets each leaflet is lanceolate in shape, 2" to 5" long leaflets have a serrated margin leaf rachis is long and hairy Autumn Foliage yellow, orange to red fall color very showy
Rhus aromatica Fragrant Sumac Flowers dioecious borne in large hairy panicles male flower head larger than female blooms in June Fruit crimson, pyramidal panicle of seeds matures in late August persists
Rhus aromatica Fragrant Sumac Bark extremely hairy stems concealed lenticels stout stems aromatic older stems are not pubescent
Rhus aromatica Fragrant Sumac Culture easily transplanted soil adaptable suckers full sun to partial shade