Plant IDENTIFICATiON By Mrs. J. Pressett Credit to Utah State Cooperative Extension, George Cook, and the Western National Range Handbook. All designations follow the handbook.
Crested Wheatgrass – agropyron cristatum Crested Wheatgrass is a perennial bunchgrass, growing to a height of 1 ½ to 2 ½ feet. It was introduced because of high palatability and forage value. Desirable for grazers Desirable for browsers Origin – Introduced
Indian Ricegrass – Achnotherum hymenoides Pancicle seed head. Indian ricegrass is a key species on Utah foothills and semi-desert range Desirability Grazers – D Browsers – D Origin Native
Cheatgrass – bromus tectorum Panicle seed head. Cheatgrass is a winter annual. Growth begins in the fall, then goes dormant over the winter. This undesirable grass has the advantage over desired and palatable perennials. Dries out in early summer and becomes a fire hazard. Desirability Grazers – U Browsers – U Origin Introduced
Intermediate Wheatgrass – thinopyrum intermedium Spike seed head. Cool season rhizomatous grass. Excellent for erosion control. Desirability Grazers – D Browsers – D Origin Introduced
Kentucky Bluegrass – poa pratensis Cool season, perennial sod- forming grass with a panicle seed head. New evidence suggest that it might have been native. Origin – I Desirability Grazers – D Browsers - D
Mountain Brome –bromus marginatus Bunch grass growing up the 3’ tall. Usually has the ‘M’ on leaves. Cool Season. Desirability Grazers – D Browsers – D Origin Native
Great Basin Wild Rye – LYEMUS CINeREUS Rye grass reaching 6 feet in height. Bunch grass that likes a little moisture. Desirability Grazers – D Browsers – D Origin Native
Needle and Thread – Histerostipa comata Needle and Thread Grass is a bunchgrass, with 3-5 inch needles. Desirability Grazers – D Browsers – U Origin - Native
Orchard Grass – dactylis glomerata Bunchgrass, panicle seed head that has clumped spikelets. Desirability Grazers – D Browsers - D Origin - Introduced
Squirrel Tail – elymus elymoides Spikeseed head, with long awns. Bunch grass. Desirability Grazers – D Browsers – U Native
Blue Grama – Boutelus gracilis Warm season, raceme seed head. Desirability Grazers – D Browsers – D Origin Native
Sandberg blue grass- POA SECUNDA Panicle seed head, relatively small seeds. Short = 12 inches or less. 2-4 florets. Bunchgrass. Desirability Grazers – D Browsers - U Origin -Native
Arrowleaf Balsamroot - Balsamorhiza sagittata Yellow flowering forb Pointed Leaves Desirability Grazers – D Browsers - D Origin -Native
Indian Paintbrush - Castilleja spp. The flowers of Indian paintbrush are edible for humans, and were consumed in moderation by various Native American tribes as a condiment with other fresh greens and can be potentially very toxic if the roots or green parts of the plant are consumed. Parasitic Orobanchaceae family Desirability Grazers – D Browsers - D Origin -Native
Scarlet Globemallow - Sphaeralcea coccinea Leaves are alternate,and palmately lobed Lightly pubescent leaves Forb with red/orange flowers Grazers – D Browsers - D Origin -Native
Service Berry – Amelanchier alnifolia Medium growing shrub Can have serrated leave Edges Fall color Edible Berries May have small white flowers Grazers – D Browsers - D Origin - Native
Juniper Tree - Juniperus spp. Evergreen tree may have berries. Scales on “leaves” Grazers – U Browsers - D Origin -Native
Big Sage – Artemesia Tridentata May reach heights of 6-8’ Has trident Not sticky Extremely pungent Grazers – U Browsers - D Origin -Native
Black Sage - Artemisia nova Low growing shrub “Tri-dent” leaves Sticky Pubescent Grazers – U Browsers - D Origin -Native
Shadscale – Atriplex confertifolia Low growing shrub Salt tolerant Good Winter Feed Grazers – D Browsers - D Origin -Native
Winter Fat - Krascheninnikovia lanata KRAS CHENIN I KOVIA Medium Growing Shrub Great Winter feed Leaves -Alternate or in fascicles.The blades are linear to narrow lance shaped Grazers – D Browsers - D Origin -Native
Tamarsisk/salt Cedar Tamarix ramosissima Salt-Tolerant Water Loving Pink, white, purple plumes Introduced as ornamental NOXIOUS Grazers – U Browsers - U Origin - Introduced
Baltic RUSH – Juncus arcticus Grass-like Water-loving, hyrophyte Rush Grazers – U Browsers - U Origin - Native
Tall LaRKSPUR – Delphinium barbeyi Purple, flowering forb Palmate leaves Toxic!!!! Grazers – U Browsers - U Origin -Native
Antelope bitterbrush – purshia tridentata Large Shrub Trident leaves (3-5 lobes) Bitter taste Found in big sage, pinion communities Uplands – mountains Grazers – D Browsers - D Origin - Native
Choke Cherry – Prunus virginanas Sends suckers Grows in mountains or wet uplands The bark of chokecherry root was once made into an asperous-textured concoction used to ward off or treat colds, fever and stomach maladies by native Americans Grazers – U Browsers - U Origin - Native
Greasewood – Sarcobatus vermiculatus Succulent, skinny oval leaves Stems near tip are whitish Spines Salt-Tolerant Toxic!!! Grazers – U Browsers - U Origin - Native
Pinyon - Pinus monophylla or edulis Fascicles in twos Needled Pine Pine Nuts Grazers – U Browsers - D Origin - Native
Curly Cup Gumweed – Grindelia SQUARROSA Forb that takes over disturbed sites. Sticky to touch. Grazers – U Browsers - U Origin - Native
Four-Wing SALT Bush Atriplex canescens Lance shaped leaves Four-winged seeds Grazers – D Browsers - D Origin - Native
Rabbit Brush - Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus Two major varieties Green and Rubber White pealable film on stems Yellow Flowers Grazers – U Browsers - U Origin - Native
Mormon Tea – Ephedra spp. Long green stems No true leaves Well-liked by animals Grazers – D Browsers - D Origin - Native
Western Wheatgrass – pascopyrum smitheii Western wheatgrass is one of Utah's most widespread and versatile perennial grasses Rhizomatous grass with a Spike seed head. An erect, rather coarse grass, 1 to 2 ½ feet tall Desirability Grazers – D Browsers – D Origin ?
Russian Thistle – salsola kali Spiny forb. As it ages becomes a tumbleweed. Unpalatable and toxic. Desirability Grazers – U Browsers – U Origin Introduced