Unit 3 Week 4 Mystic Horse Unit 3 Week 4 Mystic Horse O’Neal 4th Grade
Vocabulary sores-places on the skin that are broken and painful loosened-to make something less tight mysterious- very hard or impossible to understand or explain amazement-great surprise or wonder responsibility-a job, duty, or concern patchwork-something put together out of many uneven or varied parts midst-the middle part
Vocabulary: Words In Context mysterious responsibility patchwork sores loosened amazement midst 1.The boy had a _______ for his grandmother; it was his job to take good care of her. 2.One day he found a horse. The horse was limping and wounded, its body covered with ________. 3. The boy covered the horse with a ________ of cold blankets. 4. The boy stood in the ________ of the enemy, surrounded by their riders. 5. The boy _________ his hands from the horse’s neck. He let his fingers gently stroke the horse’s fur. The horse was dead. 6.The horse appeared after a storm, the boy’s mouth dropped open and he stared in ______________. 7.The horse’s appearance was __________. The boy could not explain it.
Vocabulary: Story Words tipis: cone-shaped tents made from animal skins by Native Americans discarded: thrown away bays: reddish-brown horses chestnuts: grayish- or reddish-brown horses paints: pintos; horses with irregular spots or markings
Vocabulary: Homophones Homophones, or homonyms , are words that are pronounced the same but have different spellings and meanings. here/hear seen/scene there/their four/for rain/rein through/threw blue/blew plains/planes needed/kneaded buries/berries seen/scene road/rode Homophones Homophones 2
Phonics: Decode Plural Words Plurals are formed in the following ways: Most plural words end in –s. When a word ends in s, -es is added to make the plural. When words end in e, the e is dropped and –es is added. When a word ends in y, the y is dropped and –ies is added. Plural rules factsheet Plural Fishing
Fluency: Intonation/Pausing Good Readers learn to read groups of words together in phrases. The following text has been marked with slashes that indicate pauses and stops. A single slash indicates a pause, usually between phrases. In this passage, a single slash also indicates a slightly longer pause at a dash. A double slash indicates a stop, usually between sentences.
Fluency: Intonation/Pausing A horse neighed,/ and the mysterious horse appeared,/ followed by a heard of spirited horses.// They surrounded Boy Chief,/ snorting and stamping excitedly,/ horses of every color/ -beautiful bays,/ chestnuts,/ shiny blacks,/ whites,/ grays,/ and paints.// Mounted on his mysterious horse,/ Boy Chief drove the horses round and round the village.// He stopped in front of his grandmother’s shelter.// “Grandmother,”/ he said,/ “Now you will always have horses!// You need never walk again!”//
Comprehension: Author’s Purpose Authors write to entertain, inform, or persuade. Sometimes authors have more than one purpose . Author’s Purpose
Comprehension: Summarize When summarizing, it is important to identify the main ideas, supporting details, and the order in which events take place or topics are introduced. summarize
Comprehension: Sequence Sequence refers to the order in which events take place in a story or the order in which information is given in nonfiction. Events in a story usually occur in time order. That is, you read about the earliest events first and follow along until the last events occur at the end. Sometimes, however, the events are told out of order, but the author usually gives clues that help you recognize the sequence. Signal words and phrases to help you identify sequence are: first, next, than, last, and finally. Sequence Sequence
Comprehension: Make Inference Readers make inferences to understand things the author does not directly state in the story. To make inferences, readers can use information from the test, illustrations, and things they already know to helo them make connections. Make Inferences
R2C 3.5 Make inferences about setting Explain why the setting is important to the story. Provide two details and/or examples from the story to support your answer. (Think beyond “time and place” to mood and how the story would change with a different setting.)
R1E Vocabulary 1.6 patterns & relationships What is the meaning of mysterious? What context clues helped you define the word? Use two details or examples from the story to support your answer.
3.5 Summarize the main ideas in the passage.