Mrs. Collins Second Grade Track 2 Welcome to Open House! Mrs. Collins Second Grade Track 2
Tonight We Will Discuss: Second Grade Curriculum Student Expectations Assessment Meeting Learner Needs
The Second Grade Team There are 6 second grade classes here at Heritage. We all work together through grade level meetings and the Professional Learning Community to plan lessons, units, and assessments for all subject areas.
“First Grade, Second Grade, What’s the Difference?” Reading expectations change Curriculum is less focused on learning to read and more on reading to learn. Students must demonstrate comprehension through writing. Answers must be supported with details from the text. Math expectations rise Basic math concepts become more complex in preparation for third grade
Second Grade Expectations We will expect your student to: Have good work habits with a focus on effort Take responsibility for his/her own learning Focus without distractions Ask for help when needed Complete quality work in a timely matter
The 4 C’s
Reading Curriculum Fiction Nonfiction Reading Benchmark Levels Beginning of Year - J Middle of Year - L End of Year – M or N
Literacy Block
Work on Words Listen to Reading Read to Self Read to Someone Daily 5 Activities Teacher conducts mini lessons that focus on building comprehension, accuracy, fluency, and vocabulary skills. Work on Words Work on Writing Listen to Reading Read to Self Read to Someone
What does it Look like Students Teacher *Work with students *Work quietly *work on stamina *get started right away *get materials quickly *stay in one spot *work the whole time *Protect our time and our friends time *Work with students
In Letterland this year we will move children away from using the Picture cards and just seeing the letters on their own. It is a research-based program that provides children with a systematic and motivating framework for learning all 44 sounds and their spellings and for developing full literacy. Please note that we will be following the pacing guide recommended by the county where children will learn a base pattern and then be asked to apply it in a multi- syllable word.
Writing Block Begins with a 10 minute mini- lesson. Students then return to their seats to write, using the skills from the mini- lesson. As students write, I am conferring with them making notes of strengths and weaknesses that need to be addressed. Ends with the group gathering together to share what was done.
The Writer’s Process Prewriting: plan writing by listing, sketching, and creating a web or story map. Drafting: Create a written document using the plan. Editing: Checking writing for capitalization, punctuation, and usage errors. Revising: Adding more details, or taking away unnecessary details to produce a final copy. Sharing/publishing: Presenting the final writing product to others.
Math Curriculum The Math Curriculum is grouped into the following categories: Operations & Algebraic Thinking Number & Operations in Base Ten Measurement & Data Geometry
Social Studies Curriculum Topics that we cover are: Geography (Maps, Our Environment) Economics Citizenship & Government History (Historical documents, Timelines, Biographies)
Topics that we cover are: Science Curriculum We use inquiry based science and collaborate with our science specialist, Melissa Austin. Topics that we cover are: Weather Sound Solids & Liquids Animal Life Cycles
Assessments All assessments are aligned with the Common Core Standards for second grade. We assess to find out which curriculum goals the students have mastered and which ones they need work on.
Formal Assessments Formal Assessments ELA/ Math Common assessments mClass TRCs (Text Reading Comprehension) mClass DORF (Oral Reading Fluency)
Informal Assessments
Volunteers We need you! Thanks to all of you who have offered to help us in so many ways. Our room moms will be calling or emailing you from time to time to ask for your help. For those of you who will be volunteering in the classroom we will see you soon and don’t forget to reregister in October!
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Thank You For Coming! I look forward to a great year working with you