#2 WHAT WAS THE IMMEDIATE CAUSE OF WW.I The assassination of the Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand.
#3 What was the name of the terrorist group? What country.. The Black Hand Serbia
#4 Which country was Archduke Franz Ferdinand from ? Austria-Hungary He was next in line for the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
#5What were the two sides called in W.W.I... #6 List two countries Central Powers Germany, Austria hungary, Ottoman Empire Before war-Triple Alliance Allied Powers Britain, France, Russia (later the U.S.) Before war-Triple Entente
#7 List some of the new technologies. Planes, machine guns, tanks, mustard gas
What is a Stalemate? When neither side is winning or loosing. Think of the Western Front. Both sides were dug in and no- one was really winning or loosing.
#8 Why was World War I considered a Stalemate? Neither side really ever gained any territory or was able to crush the other side. The Germans were just worn-out by the time the Americans entered the war and asked for peace.
#9 What is trench warfare? What were the conditions like? The armies dug trenches and built barriers. This prevented any real gain or loss of territory....
#9 Continued Conditions were terrible in the trenches. Rats, disease, little food, wet and cold. Many soldiers died because of these things.
#10 What was the Treaty of Versailles? It was the treaty or agreement that ended the war.
#11 Two events that caused the U.S. to enter the war? Sinking of Lusitania (un-restricted submarine warfare) Zimmerman Note
#12 Who proposed the League of Nations Woodrow Wilson..President of the United States It was an outline to keep the peace.
#13 What year did W.W.I start? Finish? 1914 to 1918 Ended 11am November 11 1918
#14 Reason why some Americans were against the League of Nations Many americans were whats called isolationists. They feared getting involved in future European affairs and wars. Republicans in congress blocked the U.S. from entering the League of Nations.
This gave rise to Hitler who promised to make Germany great again. how was the treaty of versailles...considered to be one of the causes of W.W.II Because the treaty punished germany so severely, it crushed the german economy. This gave rise to Hitler who promised to make Germany great again.
#16 True of False: Many new countries formed in Europe after the war ended TRUE: Because the Austro-Hungarian & Ottoman Empires were broken up by the allies after the war (Russia too) several new nations formed.
#17 Put the following events in order Assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand Start of W.W.I Sinking of the Lusitania Zimmerman Note Treaty of Versailles
#18 Why was world war I unlike any other war? It was a war that started for no one particular reason. Europe was tangled in an alliance system. The new technologies were so advanced that the leaders did develop the proper strategies to use the weapons. The trench warfare system resulted in a war of attrition where millions were killed and it became a stalemate. Although Germany was worn-out it really had not been defeated. The Treaty of Versailles punished Germany so severely it led directly to the Rise of Dictators and WWII.
Great Britains stated reason of declaring war on germany French attacks on German colonies U.S. Entry into the war Serbian Assassination of the Arch Duke German invasion of Belgium
A major goal of France and Britain at the Treaty of Versailles? create of politically stable Europe Keep Germany from rebuilding its military restore pre-war imperial governments Help germany rebuild its economy
How did the Treaty of Versailles address President Woodrow Wilson’s concern about making the world safe for democracy? It established the principle of freedom of the seas it divided former German colonies among the victors It created an international organization to maintain the peace It required Germany to pay reparations.
International organizations During the 1900’s European leaders belived peace could be best maintained by… Politics of isolation International organizations System of alliances Politics of appeasement
One goal of the League of Nations was to… promote peaceful relations stimulate the economy in Europe bring W.W.I to an end Encourage a strong alliance system.
Which statement regarding W.W.I. is an opinion rather than a fact. European countries increased the production of weapons during the war The government os most countries stated that the period of conflict would be short Propaganda posters were used to gain support for the war citizens of the allied nations showed more patriotism than those of the central powers