Ch. 10 Sec. 2 Germany Strengthens
Industrial Giant After 1871 industrialization grew rapidly in Germany and became the dominant power in Europe Large iron and coal resources Disciplined and educated workforce Middle class created a productive and efficient society Growing population for huge home market and supply of workers
Science in Business Developed new products Synthetic chemicals and dyes Solve technological problems in factories Promoted economic development Coordinated Single currency in a reorganized banking system Railroad system
Bismarck’s Policies Foreign Goals: Domestic Goals: Keep France weak Build strong ties with Austria and Russia Domestic Goals: Erase local loyalties and crush opposition to the imperial state Distrusted Catholics and Socialists
Public Battles Kulturkammpf - fight for Catholic loyalty Backfired, rallied around faith and gained political leverage in Reichstag Repressed socialism - also backfired Turned to social reform to woo workers away from But Social Democratic Party continued to grow
William II 1888 succeeded his grandfather as kaiser Shocked Europe by asking Bismarck to resign Believed in Divine Right Remove Bismarck’s dominance Resisted democratic reform But provided social welfare system Spent large amount of funds on military Launched ambitious campaign to expand empire Especially overseas Increased tensions for WW I