The Power of Office 365 Enables User-Friendly Enhancements to School Management Solution “We’re so excited about the powerful connectivity and collaboration opportunities that integrating with Office 365 brings. Our users already appreciate the efficiency and productivity gains they’ve seen, and we look forward to bringing them more with Office 365.” – Dr. Martin Rösel, CEO, Untis SITUATION The prevalence of Office 365 use among educators is exceptionally high, and in that popularity Untis saw an opportunity to make its web application for publishing timetables, WebUntis, more user friendly. Untis realized that making it easier for its users to do the most common and basic of tasks would be among the first and best ways to help increase user productivity, improve its product, and thereby attract more customers. OFFICE 365 ISV: Untis GmbH WEB SITE: LOCATION: Stockerau, Austria ORG SIZE: 34 employees OFFICE 365 ISV PROFILE: For more than 40 years, Untis has provided leading software solutions for managing school timetables, classroom and resource booking, class registration, student course selection, and other areas of school management including lesson planning, break supervision, and teacher pay. Its customers include schools, universities, and academies in 25 countries around the globe. SOLUTION Untis integrated its software with Office 365 by enabling its users to sign in using their Office 365 sign-in credentials. In doing so, WebUntis users have fewer usernames and passwords to remember. And, thanks to built-in automated password reset capabilities in the Office 365 platform, overhead for WebUntis administrators is reduced. Untis also enabled its users to export WebUntis timetables directly to Outlook Calendar, a useful feature that enhances user productivity and makes WebUntis more user- friendly than ever before. BENEFITS The flexibility of Office 365 enables software vendors to authenticate their users using Office 365 credentials. With the enterprise-grade Outlook Calendar in Office 365, it’s possible to import timetable information from other apps with ease.