August 23-24, 2006 Pretoria, South Africa AID FOR TRADE Making it Effective Frans Lammersen Aid for Trade and the Doha Development Agenda: Implications for Southern Africa August 23-24, 2006 Pretoria, South Africa
Expanding the Agenda Adjustment Supply-side Constraints Macro-economic Trade-related Infrastructure Building Productive Capacity Macro-economic Micro-economic TRTA/CB CATEGORY 1 CATEGORY 2 CATEGORY 3
Scaling Up Aid for Trade DAC Members’ net ODA 1994-2005 and 2006-2010 simulation AFT : Doubling 2004 Volume Broad Aid for Trade (AFT) AFT : Stable Relative Share
Partnership for Aid Effectiveness MUTUAL ACCOUNTABILITY MANAGING FOR RESULTS Partners set the agenda OWNERSHIP Aligning with partners’ agenda Relying on partners’ systems ALIGNMENT Establishing common arrangements Simplifying procedures Sharing information HARMONISATION
Aid-for-Trade Partnership LOCAL ACCOUNTABILITY GLOBAL REVIEW PROGRESS REPORT World Trade Organisation MAINSTREAMING National Dev. Strategy Evaluation FEEDBACK Trade Strategy Monitoring Resource & Results Meetings IMF UNCTAD UNDP ITC OECD World Bank Aid for Trade Knowledge Hub