UHCL NSF Scholar Orientation Bun Yue: yue@uhcl.edu 281-283-3864 Sharon Hall: perkins@uhcl.edu 281-283-3868 9/9/2011
Congratulations! This is a prestigious award!
Background Third round of funding from NSF. Started in 2002. Current funding will end in 2015. Need your help in securing future funding!
Maintaining Eligibility http://sce.uhcl.edu/nsfcsems/eligibility.asp Make sure that all forms are filled and returned as soon as possible. Respond to email and surveys quickly.
Maintaining Eligibility No need to re-apply for the scholarship every semester. Need to show progress on degree completion. Enrolled full-time (12 hours per semester) Maintain GPA Participate in activities
New Scholarship Program Many new features!
Amount of scholarship Three components: Academic performance: ‘output’; $2,500 to $3,500. Academic effort: ‘input’; up to $500 Undergraduate research: up to $1,600. Total not to exceed $5,000 per regular semester.
Academic Performance GPA, especially required courses. Progress in degree completion. Work with Dr. Hall and your faculty mentor.
Academic Effort Award up to $500 for the next semester. Efforts: key metrics: Involvement in undergraduate research Involvement in marketing and promotion of the NSF Scholar program Participation and leadership in NSF Scholar Organization Participation in NSF Scholar Program activities
Undergraduate Research Additional award throughout the entire scholarship period every semester. Presented at UHCL Student Conference for Research and Creative Arts: $200. Presented at accepted external conferences: $400. Had a paper accepted for publications in refereed conferences or journals: $1,000.
Programs Mentoring NSF Scholar Organization Undergraduate Research Industrial luncheon program
Mentoring Directors: Dr. Yue and Dr. Hall: meet with Dr. Hall at the middle of the semester. Faculty mentor: meet with the mentor twice every semester.
NSF Student Organization Help each other to succeed. Dr. Yue and Dr. Hall will be the advisor. Design, plan and implement activities. Scholars ‘own’ the organization. Will have budget support.
Undergraduate Research Research is problem solving. Very beneficial. Easier to start than most think. Start by discussing it with your mentor. Can sign up for an independent study course.
Industrial Luncheons “Let scholars interact with highly successful professionals in a small, personal and free setting.” Attend at least one industrial partner luncheon per semester. Each luncheon has at least one industrial mentor, at least one faculty mentor, and up to six NSF Scholars.
Benefits Get to know highly successful professionals personally. Build good professional network. Ask questions and get answers from professionals. Interact with fellow peers with similar career goals and paths.
Thank you & Questions “Hmm, UHCL NSF STEM scholarship is good!”