Morning Warm- Up We know what the word responsible means Morning Warm- Up We know what the word responsible means. It means to do what you're supposed to do. How can we be responsible family members?
Morning Warm- Up Today we will read about Sam and his dog, Dodger Morning Warm- Up Today we will read about Sam and his dog, Dodger. Sam must teach Dodger what’s right and what’s wrong. How do we know right from wrong?
Morning Warm- Up. Today we will read about a dog named Zooks Morning Warm- Up! Today we will read about a dog named Zooks. Eileen wanted a puppy more than anything. But her mom expected her to do some petsitting first. What kind of animal do you love best?
Morning Warm- Up. Today we will read more about training a dog Morning Warm- Up! Today we will read more about training a dog. Trained dogs are always on their best behavior. They are obedient, and they cooperate. How do you think dogs are trained?
Morning Warm- Up! This week we read about being responsible by teaching dogs how to follow the rules. We must follow rules, too. In what other ways can we be responsible family members?