Engineering Design & Prototyping Activities across Penn State Timothy W. Simpson Director, The Learning Factory Mechanical & Nuclear Engineering Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering Engineering Design Information Sciences & Technology Sven G. Bilén Head, School of Engineering Design, Technology, and Professional Programs Electrical Engineering Aerospace Engineering Center for Space Research Programs
Engineering Design Project Continuum $25,000+ Research Sponsored Industry Engagements Integrated Projects? $20,000 EDSGN 100 $15,000 $10,000 Capstone $5000 First-Year Sophomore Junior Senior Grad (MS) Grad (PhD) E-Ship, L-Ship, HESE, Product Realization Minors Integrated Design Solutions Lion Launch Pad MS EDSGN? CRDI & Iron Lion Design Challenge Supporting Infrastructure Learning Factory
EDSGN 100: Intro to Engineering Design Client-sponsored projects since late 1990s Prolific idea creation, with market value, documented in web reports of over 150 four-student teams Teams follow design process, from customer needs assessment, concept generation, and selection to documented model Example clients/industry Xerox Armstrong Industries followed up with LF capstone projects Shell sponsored top idea through LF project Intuitive Control Systems, LLC Local SME Currently booked through Spring & Fall 2012
Learning Factory Capstone Design Projects Established in 1995 Mission Provide hands-on real-world design experience through industry-partnered capstone projects 135 projects for 80 different clients in 2011/12 680 students in 13 engr depts involved in 2011/12 Joint projects with Arts & Architecture, Business, Communications, Earth & Mineral Sciences, IST
Undergraduate Design Projects SEDTAPP and Learning Factory have both created successful models for small-scale design projects $3k–$10k per design project Quick and easy to execute (if semester aligns) Company-friendly IP and NDA policies Model works well for companies of any size Attractive to large companies (recruiting, branding) Affordable for Small/Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and entrepreneurs/start-ups
Lion Launch Pad The Lion Launch Pad (Lion LP) is Penn State’s on-campus, student-centric business accelerator program providing No-rent office space in 123 Keller Bldg. Mentoring network to help develop and refine new product, process, service, or venture ideas Funding – from no-payback grants ($500) to loans and equity investments A step toward summer incubator programs like AlphaLab (Pittsburgh), DreamIt Ventures (Philadelphia), LaunchBox (Washington, D.C.) Lion Launch Pad teams in 2011 include (Mike and Paul Silvis/IST and Comp. Sci.) Altag (Matt Barnes/ME) ShipCo. (Jobi Calixte/Finance) GardenTroll (Mike Easterbrook/Engineering) On Point Enterprises (Taj Felix/Economics, plus 8 students)
Center for Research in Design & Innovation Established Dec. 2008 Mission: Support interdisciplinary design research, education, outreach NSF Design Workshop Series Iron Lion Design Challenge X-Disciplinary Creativity Over $1M in funding to date
Iron Lion Design Challenge Held each summer in LF starting in 2008 Week-long design challenges for teams of 3–5 students from multiple disciplines Year 1: Design projects from research, PSU (Engr) Year 2: Industry and research projects, PSU (Engr) Year 3: Industry design projects, PSU+BYU+ND+OSU Year 4: Industry design projects, PSU (Engr+Design) Year 5: Two 24-hr design-build challenges (Engr)
designXchange Design exchanges with: Pilot offering on 27 April 2012 Sponsored by CRDI & Stuckeman Design exchanges with: Armstrong World Industries Fathom (design consulting) SITE (architecture firm) 24 attendees: faculty, students, industry, and entrepreneurs Featured in: Learn Fashion Design (Faculty) Engr Design Practice Armstrong (Industry) Entrepreneur
Integrated Design Solutions (IDS) Services Provided Design Prototyping Testing SBIR/STTR proposal collaboration Data collection and analysis Transform idea to prototype Access to full breadth of disciplines across Penn State Simplified Contract Agreement 1-page agreement Execute within a week Project cost estimated at beginning of project General range $10k to $80k Intellectual property (IP) Client keeps all IP Scheduling not constrained to semester schedule Electrical, Mechanical, and CAD Design Design Transform an idea into a prototype for testing Prototyping Materials, Design, Market, Environmental, and Mechanical Testing Testing
Digital Fabrication Equipment @ PSU
Integrated Graduate Design Projects?
MS in Engineering Design (Proposed) Targeted start date: Fall 2013 Value of the degree stems from graduate’s breadth in design drawing on a technical engineering base – the “T” model Samples of the career paths for graduates Product Designer: Student who has finished an undergraduate degree in a technical field and is interested in the design aspects that are necessary to take a technology to market. Graduate would be hired by a company into a position such as product development engineer, product manager, etc. Corporate Design/Innovation Leader: Student interested in design research and the practical application of it to product design and innovation practices within a company or organization. Engineering entrepreneur: Student who wishes to stay in State College pursuing a start-up on a product idea from their undergraduate program. Many students have expressed interest in such a program that would allow them to continue working toward a relevant degree while pursuing their start-up—these students currently leave the area.