►Think big ►Start small ►Act now ►Have fun
Welcome to Review #3 14 Jan 2008 Thanks! (especially to Bill C. and Karen N.) Next Mtg: TBD (April, 2008) Revised Quarterly Mgt Review plan: Topic segregation idea defunct Each mtg will be a mix of process & service issues But service updates (status & roadmaps) deferred til Spring to allow time for... Today: a few in-depth discussions -But first... a few loose ends
Action Items from 6/5 √ Break down silos √ Service line focus √ Be more agile √ Better global support Communicate better Reduce duplication Better metrics
Loose Ends / Follow-Up Complementary Visions Lifecycle Process Improvement ITIL Cac-services Service status / roadmap template changes --deferred “What should we change?” exercise Orthogonal Portfolio Management exercise
Providing everyone with A TECHNOLOGY VISION Providing everyone with Any time, Any where, Any device Access to “Everything” (digital)
A VISION of what we want to see and be... It's all about discovery... and community! “progress through partnership” Our passion: help colleagues fully leverage the power of technology
Order of Services The Office of UW Technology Storage/file system futures Introduction to ITIL Working Lunch Nebula Futures Lightning Round Email/Cal Futures Wrap-Up
Agility –Still Key
A word from Fearless Leader...