Developing a Standards-based Goal Using Goalbook, develop standards-based goals addressing deficits identified from the Benchmark Illuminate Assessment (grade-level standards) Choose level of support (Mild, Moderate, Intensive) Modify Goalbook goals to meet the Components of Measurable Annual Goals Make the Goalbook goal parent friendly as needed Goalbook RL.4.6 Standard Literacy.RL.4.6_1 Point of View
Developing A Standards-based Goal Using Goalbook Using Goalbook, develop standards-based goals addressing deficits identified from the Benchmark Illuminate Assessment (grade-level standards) Choose level of support (Mild, Moderate, Intensive) Goalbook RL.4.6 General Rule Grade Level – missing strategy (Condition) Mild – 1-2 grade levels below Moderate - 3-4 grade levels below Intense Level – Primary used for students with moderate disabilities
Developing A Standards-based Goal Using Goalbook Using Goalbook, develop standards-based goals addressing deficits identified from the Benchmark Illuminate Assessment (grade-level standards) Choose level of support (Mild, Moderate, Intensive) Original Goalbook RL.4.6 – Mild Level of Support (2 grade levels below)
Reading Comprehension Standards-based Goal From Goalbook-Modified & Parent Friendly By the end of the IEP year, after reading two grade level texts with key words highlighted and using a graphic organizer, DB will compare which passages are told from a first-person point of view, and which are from a third-person point of view on 7 out 10 assignments with 70% accuracy. Components of Measurable Annual Goals Who The student Behavior will do what Criterion to what Level or Degree Conditions Under what conditions Timeframe in what length of time