Monday 12 September 2011 Topic: Characteristics of Life DO NOW Underneath your list for hw, answer the following in complete sentences: How did you go about making your list? Describe your thinking process. What was challenging about making this list? Do you think your list has any flaws? Explain. OBJECTIVES List characteristics that all living things share. AGENDA Money collection; text and notebook distribution Characteristics of Life Reading for Understanding HOMEWORK Finish reading 1.3 if you didn’t in class. If you did finish, re-read it and try a new reading strategy. EITHER WAY, you should have notes on this reading!
Text/Notebook Distribution NOTEBOOKS: Unless otherwise indicated, ALL WORK is to go in the notebook. This includes Do Now and Exit Ticket prompts, notes from class and lab activities, and homework assignments. Your notebooks will be collected at random and graded. TEXTBOOKS: These are to stay at home for assignments and reference. You are responsible for bringing them back IN THE SAME CONDITION in June – otherwise the fee incurred is about $70 OBJECTIVES List characteristics that all living things share.
Characteristics of Life Using your hw as a guide, turn to your elbow partner and combine your lists into one master list of 8 characteristics. If you do not have 8, try to brainstorm more. If you have more than 8, attempt to eliminate the traits that are not necessary for a species to continue. OBJECTIVES List characteristics that all living things share.
ALL Living things… Are made up of at least one cell Reproduce Have a genetic code Grow and develop Use energy and materials Respond to their environment Maintain homeostasis Adapt/evolve over generations OBJECTIVES List characteristics that all living things share.
Reading Section 1.3 Get one of the class set textbooks Open to pg16 and for the next 20 minutes, read as much of section 1.3 as possible (don’t rush). As you read, use reading strategies that are the most effective for you to understand the reading. This reading activity is silent and on your own. Raise your hand if you have a question. OBJECTIVES List characteristics that all living things share.
Reading For Understanding… wrap up What Makes it Difficult? Effective Strategies… OBJECTIVES List characteristics that all living things share.
Tuesday 13 September 2011 Topic: Cells and Nutrition DO NOW Referencing your hw, what reading strategies did you use? What difficulties did you find in reading a science text? What other strategies might you try next? OBJECTIVES Explain what you will be presenting on Monday AGENDA Characteristics of Life Project introduction Group assignments Outline material HOMEWORK None
ALL Living things… Are made up of at least one cell Reproduce Have a genetic code Grow and develop Use energy and materials Respond to their environment Maintain homeostasis Adapt/evolve over generations OBJECTIVES List characteristics that all living things share.
Classification Project! Assigned groups of 4 – each group will be given a Domain or Kingdom of organisms to present, in addition to a species of your choosing from that category Graded upon: Information in the powerpoint Powerpoint format Presentation skills OBJECTIVES Explain what you will be presenting on Monday
Classification Project! TODAY: After being assigned to a group, move desks to work together Send a representative to get texts and graphic organizers Choose roles for who will research which information from the text today You will have the next double block with laptops to create the ppt OBJECTIVES Explain what you will be presenting on Monday
EXIT TICKET: What aspect of this type of project do you feel comfortable in performing? Do you foresee any challenges or obstacles? How do you plan to work through these? OBJECTIVES Explain what you will be presenting on Monday
Wednesday 14 September 2011 Topic: Cells and Nutrition DO NOW What organism does your group have? What information do you already know about it? Describe what you feel you’ll be able to do well with a presentation project, and what aspect you foresee struggling with. How do you aim to overcome your challenge? OBJECTIVES Explain the difference between the 2 main types of cells Describe how cells acquire energy from food. AGENDA Compare types of cells & nutrition Work on project HOMEWORK Read article about “extremophiles” and answer corresponding questions
What is a cell? The smallest unit of life Capable of performing all the functions that are characteristic of life Can be 1 of 2 main types: PROKARYOTIC (Bacterial cells) EUKARYOTIC (Plant, animal, or fungal cells) OBJECTIVES Explain the difference between the 2 main types of cells Describe how cells acquire energy from food
Two main cell types: PROKARYOTES and EUKARYOTES OBJECTIVES Explain the difference between the 2 main types of cells Describe how cells acquire energy from food
OBJECTIVES Explain the difference between the 2 main types of cells Describe how cells acquire energy from food Comparing Cell Types How do you tell the difference between a prokaryotic cell and a eukaryotic cell?
Modes of Nutrition All species – unicellular or multicellular – must gather outside resources to convert into usable energy TWO MAIN OPTIONS: Autotrophic species gather raw materials to make into food, which they then process later for energy Heterotrophic species gather food that is already made, they only process it for energy OBJECTIVES Explain the difference between the 2 main types of cells Describe how cells acquire energy from food
WITH YOUR GROUP: Based upon the category of organisms that your group has, your job TODAY is to decide WHICH SPECIES you will be focusing on. E.g. “penguin” is not a sufficient answer since there are many types of penguin. TOMORROW: During the second half of the double block, you will be working with your group on your project. Please bring any necessary materials!
Thursday 15 September 2011 Topic: Species and Classification DO NOW Explain how, under a microscope, one can easily tell the difference between a prokaryote and a eukaryote. How are autotrophic and heterotrophic species different? OBJECTIVES Describe what a ‘species’ is. Explain the hierarchy of classifying a species. AGENDA Define ‘species’ Group various organisms according to the hierarchical classification system Work on your project HOMEWORK Write a 2 paragraph (minimum) reflection on what steps you think scientists must go through in order to document a new species. How might they go about proving that the species was previously unknown? What data do you think they might have to collect?
What is a species? SILENTLY, take 1minute to brainstorm and write down as many examples of species that you can think of. OBJECTIVES Describe what a ‘species’ is. Explain the hierarchy of classifying a species.
What is a species? SILENTLY, take 1minute to brainstorm and write down as many examples of species that you can think of. EXAMPLES: Homo Habilus Canine Lupus Human Pitbull shitzu Dalmation NON-EXAMPLES: Cat Salmon Dog Bird Felines OBJECTIVES Describe what a ‘species’ is. Explain the hierarchy of classifying a species.
What is a species? A species is the basic category of biological classification, composed of related individuals that resemble one another, are able to breed among themselves, but are not able to breed with members of another species. EXAMPLE: tiger + tiger = tiger tiger + lion = liger (a hybrid species) OBJECTIVES Describe what a ‘species’ is. Explain the hierarchy of classifying a species.
Classification Species are classified into a hierarchy based upon APPEARANCE, not behavior WHY? Individuals of the same species can behave DIFFERENTLY OBJECTIVES Describe what a ‘species’ is. Explain the hierarchy of classifying a species.
Classification HIERARCHY from most general to most specific: DOMAIN KINGDOM PHYLUM CLASS ORDER FAMILY GENUS SPECIES OBJECTIVES Describe what a ‘species’ is. Explain the hierarchy of classifying a species.
Classification Scientific names for each of the categories in the hierarchy are always in Latin (or are made into something ‘Latin-y’) Why? OBJECTIVES Describe what a ‘species’ is. Explain the hierarchy of classifying a species.
EXIT TICKET: Explain why it is important to classify an organism based on appearance, and not by behavior. When a species is discovered, why is it important that the name is in Latin?
Friday 16 September 2011 Topic: Classifying Life DO NOW Write down presentation order: Bacteria domain Archaea domain Eukaryotes Plants Fungi OBJECTIVES Create a powerpoint that reflects the required information to present on Monday. Protists Fish Reptiles Mammals AGENDA Organize information Work with group members to create ppt and decide speaking roles EMAIL ME THE PPT FILE! HOMEWORK Finish your presentation and/or practice it!
TODAY: Have your group send a representative to get 2 laptops and another to get 2 books Log in with your SAME username/password Have decided on 1 particular species Have all the information listed on the rubric (the numbered parts). #1-3 is for your GENERAL category, the rest is for your particular species Create your 3-slide powerpoint file Save to “My Documents” and EMAIL ME THE FILE!!!
CLEAN UP! Email me the ppt file Log off the computer All resources go back! Make sure you know who in your group is responsible for saying which information