External Transfers Qualification Rules All you ever wanted to know!
General Notes “Qualifying transaction amount” rules check available balance only when the customer schedules the transfer for the same day. Future-dated and recurring transfers do not check available balance. Remember your Available Balance calculation may differ per host. The peer qualification rule is on by default for all External Transfers services. “Customer Demographics” and “Customer Performance” rules do not apply to Digital Insight.
Standard Inbound “Transactions permitted between complementary qualified accounts” generally means the From account and the To account both must qualify for the transaction to occur. Here, money is coming into your core, but the external account getting debited must also qualify for standard transfers.
Standard Outbound The balance must fully cover the amount of the transfer (checked only when transfer is sent same day). If any other transfers (through Fiserv) are scheduled for that same day (day 0), the amount of the existing transfer(s) is deducted from available balance check. The account getting credited as well as the account getting debited must meet qualification rules.
Standard Inbound High Limits For NSFs on record with Fiserv (not on your core system), zero are allowed within the previous 3 months. The customer must transfer at least $1000 (single or cumulative transfers) to qualify for this service. After transferring $1000, the customer must wait 60 days to qualify for this service. The account getting credited as well as the account getting debited must meet qualification rules.
Standard Outbound High Limits For NSFs on record with Fiserv (not on your core system), zero are allowed within the previous 3 months. The balance must fully cover the amount of the transfer (checked only when transfer is sent same day). The account getting credited as well as the account getting debited must meet qualification rules.
Next Day Inbound For NSFs on record with Fiserv (not on your core system), zero are allowed within the previous 3 months. The customer must transfer at least $500 (single or cumulative transfers) to qualify for this service. After transferring $500, the customer must wait 60 days to qualify for this service. The customer must have at least $100 in their account before the transfer executes. The account getting credited as well as the account getting debited must meet qualification rules.
Next Day Outbound For NSFs on record with Fiserv (not on your core system), zero are allowed within the previous 3 months. The balance must fully cover the amount of the transfer (checked only when transfer is sent same day). The customer must have at least $750 in their account after the transfer executes. If any other transfers (through Fiserv) are scheduled for that same day (day 0), the amount of the existing transfer(s) is deducted from available balance check. The account getting credited as well as the account getting debited must meet qualification rules.