Le déjeuner aux écoles en France et aux États-Unis À la Cantine Le déjeuner aux écoles en France et aux États-Unis http://www.collective-evolution.com/2014/10/01/what-french-kids-eat-for-school-lunch-puts-american-lunches-to-shame/ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/lisa-stadnykwebb/a-glimpse-into-a-school-lunchroom-in-france_b_6919654.html
First course: Cucumber and tomato salad Main course: Veal marinated with mushrooms, broccoli, cheese Dessert: Apple tart
First course: Cabbage and tomato salad Main course: Roast beef, potatoes, baked tomatoes with herbs, cheese Dessert: Kiwi
First course: Tabouleh (made with bulgur) Main course: Sausages, zucchini Dessert: Ice cream, apple
First course: Potato and pickle salad Main course: Breaded fish, cauliflower, cheese Dessert: Peach
Potage Courgettes à la niçoise Omelette au fromage Banane Loosely and unglamorously translated by me: Soup, zucchini with tomatoes and olives, cheese omelet, banana
Taboulé Sauté de porc aux pruneaux Haricots verts Emmental Tarte aux pommes Loosely and unglamorously translated by me: Tabbouleh, sauteed pork with prunes, green beans, Emmental cheese, apple tart
Blé en salade Cordon bleu de dinde Salsifis sauce poulette Cantal Pomme Loosely and unglamorously translated by me: Wheat/grain salad, turkey Cordon bleu, oyster plant (salsify) with white sauce, cantal cheese and apple
Pamplemousse Rôti de boeuf Pureé crécy Yaourt bifidus vanille Loosely and unglamorously translated by me: Grapefruit, roast beef, puree of potato and carrots, pro-biotic yogurt