Name: Period: Chapter 9 Study Guide: Development Key Issue 1: Why Does Development Vary Among Countries? Rubenstein, pp. 301-309 Explain what an MDC and an LDC is. 2. Describe the development continuum. 3. What is the Human Development Index (HDI)? 4. What are the 3 factors mentioned with the HDI? Given an example of 2 countries at each of the levels of development below: Very High developed: - High developing: Medium developing: Low developing: 5. Using the chart below, explain where each of the following falls on the HDI North America Europe Latin America East Asia Central Asia Southeast Asia Southwest Asia and North Africa South Asia Sub-Saharan Africa
6. How does the UN measure standard of living 6. How does the UN measure standard of living? Explain the importance of both GNI and PPP. 7. What is GDP? What does it measure? 8. In developed countries, jobs fall into 3 sectors, jobs fall into three sectors. Explain them below: Primary Sector: Secondary Sector: Tertiary Sector: 9. Define the following terms: Productivity- Value Added- 10. What is inequality adjusted HDI (IHDI)?
11. In developed countries which consumer goods are most important? Why? 12. What happens to the distribution and access of consumer goods in developing countries? What health indicators contribute to the HDI? What are the two measure (for each) the UN uses to determine the quality of schooling and education? What is literacy rate? Describe how indicators of development vary between the countries below: Brazil: China: Mexico:
Key Issue 2: Why Does Development Vary by Gender? Rubenstein, pp. 310-313 How many countries has the UN found where women are treated as equal as men? What does the GII measure? Where is the GII the highest? Explain the two indicators that measure the empowerment dimension of GII. What is the female labor force participation rate? What is the maternal mortality rate? What is the adolescent fertility rate? Describe the gender inequality trends identified by the UN. How does gender inequality affect the environment?
Key Issue 3: Why are Energy Resources Important to Development? Rubenstein, pp. 314-327 What is supply and demand? Which three substances supply the majority of the earth’s energy? What is a fossil fuel? What effect does supply and demand have on fossil fuels? Describe the three principal types of energy consumption in the United States? Use the chart below to explain how fossil fuels are formed. Coal Petroleum Natural Gas 6. What is the difference between renewable and nonrenewable energy? 7. What is the difference between proven reserves and potential reserves? 8. What is Fracking?
9. Describe the purpose of OPEC. 10. Use the chart below to highlight the pros and cons of nuclear energy. Pros of Nuclear Energy Cons of Nuclear Energy 11. Use the chart below to explain the various types of renewable energy. Hydroelectric Power Biomass Wind Power Geothermal Energy Nuclear Fusion Solar Energy 12. How is solar power being developed and used in developing countries?
Key Issue 4: Why do Countries Face Obstacles to Development? Rubenstein, pp. 328-340 1. Using the chart below, describe the two paths to development, including the shortcomings. Self-Sufficiency Path International Trade Path 2. Explain the purpose of the World Trade Organization? 3. What is Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)? 4. Describe the purpose of each lender below. World Bank International Monetary Fund (IMF)
5. Describe the financial challenges faces in developing and developed countries in the chart below. Developing Countries Developed Countries 6. What is the Housing Bubble? 7. What is Fair Trade, and why is it important? (include information about working standards) 8. What is Microfinance? 9. Progress in reducing the gap in level of development between developing and developed countries is depended on which three variables? Briefly describe each.
Goal 1 Goal 2 Goal 3 Goal 4 Goal 5 Goal 6 Goal 7 Goal 8 10. What is the purpose of the UN Millennium Development Goals? 11. Use table 9-1 to describe the goals, and progress towards them, in the boxes below. Goal 1 Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Goal 2 Achieve universal primary education Goal 3 Promote gender equality and empower women Goal 4 Reduce child mortality Goal 5 Improve maternal health Goal 6 Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases Goal 7 Ensure environmental sustainability Goal 8 Develop a global partnership for development
Gender Inequality and the Environment Case Study Sheet Directions: Complete the following case study about gender inequality (P 313). Name/Topic of Case Study: Gender Inequality and the Environment Topic in AP Human Geography: Location: (Country and Region) Purpose of Case Study: Summarize the Case Study Below: Related Vocabulary