Ellen Hillbom and Erik Green Department of Economic History ellen.hillbom@ekh.lu.se erik.green@ekh.lu.se
Economic History Analysing long-term economic, social and political change Focus on the processes of change, rather than historical events Using an understanding of history to explain the present
Research questions What explains the increased income inequality between and within regions in the global south? Did colonialism underdevelop Africa? What is the role of agriculture in modernization processes? How does geography and institutions respectively determine development?
Department of Economic History One out of five departments at the School of Economics and Management Research focus Strong relationship between research and teaching
Research Development economics/economic history of the global south Long-term economic development, welfare and the environment in the global north Agrarian history and long-term inequality Demography and living standards Education, gender and the labour market
Courses Divergence and convergence in the global economy The rise of Asia African economic history Demography and living standards
Extras 4 Minor Field Study scholarships Departmental exchange agreement with the Department of Economic History, University of Zimbabwe, Harare
EKHK17 Consist of three parts Introduction to grand theories of long-term economic and social development (Marx, Smith, North, Wallerstein etc.) The role of theory in historical research Your own research proposal
Mastersprograms Economic Growth, Population, and Development Economic History Economic Demography Economic Development Innovation and Spatial Dynamics (Master in Economic Development and Growth) International Economics with a Focus on China
Labour market Public sector Private sector Research Official reports Administration (government, NGOs, etc.) Teaching Private sector Journalism and other investigative work Analysts
Where to turn? www.ekh.lu.se Håkan Lobell Student Advisor hakan.lobell@ekh.lu.se Tina Wueggertz Department Secretary tina.weuggertz@ekh.lu.se