Developing your leadership potential


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Presentation transcript:

Developing your leadership potential Specialist Leaders of Education training How to choose the right leadership style to support others and deal with resistance effectively

Developing your leadership potential Aims The aims of this session are to: know as a specialist leader of education how to get your foot in the door in new schools understand the reasons for and types of resistance and how to manage conflict identify the right style of leadership in supporting others 2

Developing your leadership potential Common issues Arrogance - that won’t work with our pupils Poor communication and misunderstanding about the support Blame culture Feel this is being done ‘to’ rather than done ‘with’- no trust Unprofessionalism I’m more experienced and better qualified - no credibility Disagree about the need for change Disagree about roles 3

Developing your leadership potential How to establish trust Empathy Intimacy 4

Developing your leadership potential Top tips for gaining credibility Do: come across positively to others present yourself well lead by example be a decision-maker exercise objectivity take stock work with others communicate plan and organise attend to the little details Don't: be afraid to fail oversell and under-deliver avoid challenges pass accountability onto others give people a reason not to trust you 5

Developing your leadership potential Managing resistance: blocking Detail Timing Practicality Illusion of control Aggression Confusion Silence Intellectualising Blaming Agreement Dissipating problems Solutions 6

Naming the resistance Being quiet Picking up on cues Developing your leadership potential Peter Block: managing resistance Naming the resistance Being quiet Picking up on cues Block, P., 2011, Flawless Consulting, 3rd edition, Pfeiffer 7

Developing your leadership potential Which leadership style? 8

Developing your leadership potential What type of leader am I? The leadership questionnaire focuses on the following 12 areas: Decision-making Response to mistakes and errors Sharing information Attitude to risk-taking Delegation Approach to conflict Autonomy Developing people Standards of work Communication Management of change Availability Consider the implications of what the results are telling you. In what ways can you change or enhance your leadership style? 9

Developing your leadership potential Four leadership styles 10

Developing your leadership potential Leadership styles Tell Manager makes decision and announces it. Tell is an autocratic style in which the leader gives specific instructions and monitors staff closely. It is most useful when the team cannot tackle the task unaided, is unwilling, new or has suffered a previous leader who allowed standards to deteriorate. It is the style most people accept in a crisis. Sell Manager makes decision and then sells the decision to the team. Sell is a persuasive style, in which the leader gives clear direction and supervises closely but also explains decisions, encourages suggestions and supports progress. It is most useful when motivation is lacking. It is also the best style where a task is non-negotiable but where the team's motivation is vital to achieve the results required. 11

Developing your leadership potential Leadership styles Consult Manager presents ideas and invites questions. Manager presents tentative decision subject to change. Manager presents problem, gets suggestions and makes decision. Consult is a collaborative style in which the leader discusses the task and listens to the team's ideas, taking them into account as he or she makes the key decisions. It is most useful when the team has sufficient skills and competence to make a contribution but where the leader feels a need to retain control. That need can result from an imbalance between the team's competence and the risk involved in the task. Empower Manager defines limits and asks group to make decision. Manager permits subordinate to function within limits defined by superior. Empower is a facilitating style in which the leader allows the team maximum responsibility. It is most useful when the team is competent and has a positive attitude towards the task. You can let the team get on with it and use this style as an important part of the team’s development. 12

Developing your leadership potential The apprentice 2011 13

Developing your leadership potential Leadership tips Be authentic. Be flexible. Be aware of different approaches Use your emotional intelligence. Strike a balance. Don't be scared to experiment. Seek feedback. Ask for formal support. 14

Developing your leadership potential The blob tree 15

Developing your leadership potential References David Brent video clip; Catherine Tate and David Tennant video clip Available on YouTube Peter Block – Managing resistance Block, P., 2011, Flawless Consulting, 3rd edition, Pfeiffer Leadership styles introduction and questionnaire Good Practice for Leaders resources, accessed through National College website Tannenbaum & Schmidt – continuum of leadership behaviours Tannenbaum, R., and Schmidt, WH., 1958/1973, How to choose a leadership pattern, Harvard Business review The Apprentice BBC, 2011 The Blob Tree Ian Long and Pip Wilson, 2005 16 16

Developing your leadership potential Further reading ‘Good Practice for Leaders’ resources available through National College website (login required): on Peter Block and resistance: on leadership styles: on credibility and trust: on resolving conflict: 17

Developing your leadership potential Evaluation www ebi 18 18