The Research Data Alliance - What’s going on in Europe? Hilary Hanahoe Trust-IT Services & RDA Secretariat on behalf of RDA Europe Consortium RDA Europe funded by the European Union, Horizon2020 Programme (H2020), grant agreement N°632756 & N°653194 22/09/2018
RDA Europe & Future Directions RDA Europe, the European plug-in to RDA, is mandated to ensure that European political, research, industrial and digital infrastructure stakeholders are aware of, engaged with and actively involved in the global RDA activities. RDA Europe Collaboration Projects / Adoption Cases RDA Europe Atlas of Knowledge Pilot Training & Webinars Engagement through Events & Meetings Synchronisation & Support Programmes Communications, Plenary & Web Support 22/09/2018
RDA Europe Collaboration Projects / Adoption Cases Dynamic Data Citation & the Argo data set Adopting: Dynamic Data Citation Creation of a Query interface for phenotyping data Adopting: Wheat Data Interoperability (WDI) Integration of the RDA Metadata Standards Directory into DMPonline Adopting: Metadata Standards Directory Analysis of the OpenPhilology/Perseus and the CLARIN data repositories Adopting: Data Foundation and Terminology Implementation of a Query Store for the VAMDC infrastructure Adopting: Data Citation Integration of the DLI Service into the OpenAire infrastructure Adopting: Publishing Data services Introduction of PIDs to the Armenian Life Sciences Adopting: PID Information Types Objective: to support communities that want to test/adopt RDA outputs. 1st call: Sept – Dec 2015 Outcome: 25 submitted & 7 selected. Start: Mid 2016 OA NOTE Next Call: April 2016 EU only 22/09/2018
RDA Europe Atlas of Knowledge Pilot moderated wiki focusing on issues raised by RDA Working Groups and Interest Groups will also incorporate topics with a much broader focus advice about research data issues and to also carry out analysis work to clarify open questions. executed in collaboration with research communities & experts from different fields & initiatives with deep experience & knowledge to give the most comprehensive answers OA NOTE Contribute Learn 22/09/2018
Training & Webinars training webinars, face-to-face workshops, hackathons/datathons partly organized as “summer schools” and special meetings on request. Delivered in different formats by International Experts: RDA recommendations and outputs – e.g. Data Description Registry Interoperability General topics – e.g Data Management Plans, State of EU Copyright discussion Interviews – e.g. Open Science/Open Data/Innovation information sessions – e.g. What happened at the Tokyo Plenary? Scheduled (Feb-Dec 2016) so far … Face-to-Face 3 Hackathon 2 General 9 specific / RDA Outputs interviews webinar 18 OA NOTE Attend Deliver Propose / Organise Promote 22/09/2018
Engagement through Events & Meetings Policy Engagement Weaving The Internet Of Data – Funding Research Data To Support Open Innovation, 6 April 2016, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Open science, open innovation, open scholarship & open infrastructures, 10 November 2015, European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium Industry Engagement European Data Forum, November 2015, Luxembourg RDA Earth Sciences Interest Group Workshop, 11 February 2016, Barcelona, Spain Research Engagement Data Service/Tool Discoverability Workshop, 21-22 April 2016, Santorini, Greece RDA Panel at DH2016 (Digital Humanities 2016), 12-16 July 2016, Krakow, Poland Digital Infrastructures for Research 2016, 28-30 Sept 2016, Krakow, Poland Scientist Engagement RDA Europe 3rd Science Workshop, 19-20 April, Paris, France RDA National Many meetings and workshops in Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom RDA Global WG-IG Chair workshop, June 2016, Nottingham RDA 9th Plenary, 5-7 April 2017, Barcelona OA NOTE Attend Propose / Organise Promote 22/09/2018
Synchronisation & Support Programmes Early Career Programme Synchronisation Assembly 5th edition 62 supported Provide WG/IG chair support at plenaries WG & IG Chairs TAB, OAB & Council Members Other orgs RDA European Member OA NOTE Plenary 8 Programme Calls Join Synch Assembly 1st edition 10 supported 22/09/2018 OA NOTE All core RDA activity maintained on RDA Global and linked from RDA Europe has EU specific information Events News Reports Presentations etc. OA NOTE Mutual Promotion Contribute 22/09/2018
Communications, Plenary & Web Support 22/09/2018
RDA Europe is brought to you by .. Thank You A pan European consortium of 12 principal, representative organisations to drive forward RDA Europe objectives. All partners grounded in technological excellence and innovation and have clear and international ties RDA Europe Email - info@europe.rd- Web - europe.rd- Twitter - @RDA_Europe RDA Global Email - enquiries@rd- Web - www.rd- Twitter - @resdatall LinkedIn - searchDataAlliance Slideshare - t/ResearchDataAlliance RDA Europe funded by the European Union, Horizon2020 Programme (H2020), grant agreement N°632756 & N°653194
https://rd-alliance. org/plenary-meetings/rda-ninth-plenary-meeting 22/09/2018